Carrion Crown without experience points

Carrion Crown

Hi we are gonna be starting carrion crown this weekend and I'm honestly not big on experience points for just killing so i was going to run it according to story points i found a thread for suggestions on doing this with book one but haven't yet for the others could someone point me in the right direction for a good suggestion on leveling the players without needing to track xp.

Sovereign Court

Look at the first few pages there should be something called the "Adventure Track" that will explain everything you need to know. There is an adventure track in every book of CC and most APs for that matter. Good luck have fun!

Thank you

Sovereign Court

i am running it without the xp. i use those notes and studying the adventures before i adjust the difficulties (but they are pretty balanced).

also i have found out that i am more or less giving out 1 level after 5 full sessions (4 hours, 1 each week) of game.

we are at the end of broken moon (so the more or less the end of chapter 3) and the pc are 7 level, going to level up next tuesday.
the campaign started last september, we have more or less played all weeks barred some occurences) and it's running pretty well

The Exchange

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I love running it without EXP. I can get rid of crappy encounters without much consequence. Plus the players aren't penalized on EXP for missing things. Other adventure paths I've run the players had fallen behind because they didn't go "here or there". One example in this one is

Encounter Instance:
My players never really went to the wharf in Illmarsh thereby missing the encounter there.

Without Exp, it seems I'm able to do more with the story, less railroading. I'm able to change encounters around without worry.

Pan wrote:
Look at the first few pages there should be something called the "Adventure Track" that will explain everything you need to know. There is an adventure track in every book of CC and most APs for that matter. Good luck have fun!

do you know when they started putting the advancement track in the APs i got book 1 of CotCT recently and it does not have it, a bit surprising but no big deal (especially since its so well written!)

All of their PFRPG APs have them, so from Council of Thieves onward.

nice! i must admit it is one of my favorite features:) i do use experience points myself but i do understand the appeal of not:)

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