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So our Druid had her animal companion fail epically against a Charm Animal spell last night.
The opposing Goblin Druid from RotRL, told it to "trip" her. I rolled poorly, describing that the wolf was struggling with the command. Which was a lie.
I rolled a 26 on the opposing charisma rolls.
The druid then bolted to let the wolf contend with the PC druid.
The PC Druid then wanted to regain control of her companion. I just had it make a save again with her "help".
Did I do this right by RAW? Or is there another way this could have been done?
From my end it felt anti-climatic, but the PC freaked out with the charmed animal. Which I enjoyed waaaayyy to much.

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RAW, probably not exactly right, but OK if the combat was over. Actually breaking the spell would require break enchantment or dispel magic (or just waiting for it to end). Two things:
1) Unless the goblin was using speak with animals it would have needed to use the Handle Animal skill to get the wolf to attempt to trip the opponent (move action or full-round, depending on whether or not the wolf was trained to trip).
2) Just because charm animal made the wolf friendly to the goblin, it doesn't automatically make it unfriendly to the PC. She can make her own Handle Animal skill check to tell the wolf "down" or "stay" and then just wait for the duration to expire.

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Belafon is correct on all counts.
But, remember that as GM, you have alot of leeway when someone is charmed. It's not just the charmed animal doing what you tell them to do. For example, even if the Goblin had not asked the Wolf to trip the Druid, the wolf might still have tried to trip the Druid in an attempt to keep his two friends from fighting (GM's call). What would you do if you had two friends, one was trying to run away and the other one was trying the kill the first one?
In terms of helping the PC out - You might also give the wolf a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed Charisma check, being a devoted animal companion. Also, as an animal companion, I (GM's call) wouldn't allow the charmer, no matter how well he did on the opposed charisma check, to get the animal companion to attack with the intent to kill his or her Druid. Again, the animal is not an automaton... the spell is "Charm Animal", not "Dominate Animal". On the other hand, the animal companion might be convinced to attack someone other than the Druid (another PC), especially, if that PC hasn't been particularly friendly towards the animal companion in the past.

Drako "The Merciful" |

The other two are on point.
With a first level druid you get link with your animal companion. That applies a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal Checks. This is stats for the flavor of loyalty. So, I might even apply a +4 circumstance bonus to oppose checks to attack or even go against what his companion might say. Similar to a disguise check giving large bonuses if the person knows the person being being impersonated. Way more than the average +2 for everything. The 'companion' in animal companion is almost synonymous with best friend, so, I would have a hard time letting the animal be convinced to do anything against their best bud. Maybe convincing the wolf that that isn't who they think it is. But, that takes more than even a handle animal check. So, not this goblin.

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Thanks for the help.
@Belafon. Right. He also had previously cast Speak with Animals preparing for this moment. Then after the charm went off spoke to the wolf. Opposed Charisma checks were made. 26 vs a 6. He convinced the companion that his druid friend had betrayed him or some-such and the wolf attempted to trip the PC druid. Not kill them. All in an attempt to stall.
And while I did ask if this was the way RAW would have worked, and thanks to all 3 of you for your insight. It is appreciated. Story has to setup against rules alot. You've seen it where boon companions are tricked into thinking the other is an enemy in books, comics, movies.
So I ask, if this level 4 druid cannot do something like that to a PC druid, why even have it as an option in his spell selection? I'm trying to make the two work, and feel like, after all the great explanations, I didn't or couldn't.
Trying to keep the game fun and not overtly gamey. In the end, it worked out fine.
She did have the wolf "heel", and it looked confused and befuddled. Whomped on the goblin druid with her staff hard enough, he yielded, after he had sent out an animal messenger. And that's where we ended it.
Thanks again.