Help with Order #1396947 please

Customer Service

Hi guys,

At checkout, *I* failed to include the 12thMan promotional code, thus depriving my order of the 12% discount.

This Order contains not only an ongoing Adventure Path subscription, but also quite a few books, and other subsequent orders folded into it when I realised that I hadn't ordered everything that I should have to get my DM'ing properly underway.

I notice that the Order remains in a 'Pending' state, although my online credit card statement indicates a tentative hold for those funds.

Could the code please be applied to my Order prior to it being finalised?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

It looks like Sharaya has taken care of this from your email. Please let me know if you have any further questions!

sara marie

Thank you so much for that.

It is truly appreciated!


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