I don't think I have much to do today. I know some of the usual stuff. A couple loads of laundry. Some dishwashing (including unloading and reloading the dishwasher). I've also got to get outside at one point and clean up all the leaves that seem to have fallen just in time for winter to end.
Stoopid trees.
Speaking of the dishwasher....
I stopped in at the scout shop yesterday to eat up some time and get the boy his new uniform pants. Since this was my first time in the new location, I had to stay awhile and jibber jabber with the store workers. They had a bunch of stuff discounted (I think to make room for new stock). Most of it I didn't need, but I did buy a cool collapsing lantern. And since the national organization just officially changed the name again, I bought one of the new name coffee mugs they already had.
The new coffee mug is dishwasher safe, microwave safe, and holds 18 oz.
So I think I'll make it my new work coffee mug.
I'm coughing a bit this morning, and feel weird. Unfortunately, I nearly always feel like that these days, so it's hard to tell if I'm actually getting sick.
Stoopid diseased family.
Anyway, the plan is to do a little mapping this morning. Then I'll get outside and clean up those thrice damned leaves before the HOA can whine like a bunch of Karens (or is it Margarets now?). After that, it'll be shower and my typical day.
I'm also hoping to get some reading, bagging, and boarding done.
Before I forget...
What in the everloving HELL, Facebook?!? What in my history of posting makes your very insane algorithm think I'd want to see a post by some group with "democratic socialists" in their name? They're just discount Filthy Commies, without the stones to be actual Filthy Commies.
Anyway, time to get a move on to other things.
Well, I thought we were going to get rain while I was outside cleaning up. Now I just got back from a quick, nearly unremembered trip to the grocery store, and we’ve got bright sunshine instead.
Stoopid weather can’t make up its mind. Like a woman.
At least now I shouldn’t have to leave home again today.
While at the grocery self checkout, the little old lady working that area asked the guy next to me who he was cheering for in the Super Bowl. He reluctantly said the Eagles. I told him too bad they can’t both lose.
With the kids out of school all week for "Winter break" (i.e. yet another teacher vacation), I get to leave the house early each day. So I was on the road by quarter to 6 and pulling in the office parking garage at 5:59. That's when the wife texted me to show a picture of the dog with the aluminum foil in her mouth, locked in her kennel.
There was also a request from my wife about locking the "f$%&ing dog" in her kennel when I leave.
Bad day number two hasn't happened yet, but from what I'm hearing, that should come in the next few hours. It's a shame, I kind of liked that coworker.
My drive in was pretty good this morning. Although my stomach is a bit upset. I've backed off the baby aspirin my cardiologist had me taking.
And after talking to my buddy, it looks like this could end up being a very busy week. Lots going on. Lots to get done.
I was perusing Youtube yesterday and came across a video with some behind the scenes info about that old sci-fi classic Lifeforce. So that got me thinking about owning the movie. Cheesy as it is, I do like it. Now I've got the 4K edition on its way from Amazon.
Last night, just for the hell of it, I watched The Usual Suspects. It's easily one of my favorite films. The kind I can watch over and over. It got me thinking about what other films I'd put on that list:
Big Trouble in Little China
John Carpenter's The Thing
Ronin (with Robert DeNiro)
The Pelican Brief
I'm sure there are more movies I could add to that list if I really gave it some thought.
Made some more headway on my box of old Batman comics yesterday. Read through about 8 issues, then re-bagged and boarded them with mylar.
Tired Tuesday, that's for sure.
And Foggy Tuesday. Pretty sure I saw a disguised hound hunting some Baskervilles.
For the most part, aside from limited visibility, the drive in was somewhat pleasant. There were a few foolish people, maybe a handful of silly people, but no truly stupid people.
Yesterday was busy. Somewhat busier than I expected. Pleasantly so, I'd say. Kind of like Goldilocks...not too slow, not to busy, just right. I had some stuff I was expecting, and some stuff that was unexpected. It was all pretty easy and straightforward, though.
The wife and boy are both doing better now. So they seem to be over their flu. Huzzah!
Of course, then my daughter thought since mommy was feeling better, mommy would take her to Louisiana to see the grandparents. Mommy had to explain to her that wasn't happening, so the girl was angry....again.
Oh, and when I left the house yesterday, the a-hole dog tried to eat the roll of aluminum foil. Stoopid dog.
So, this morning when I left, she was ensconced in her kennel.
I did get to read more issues of Batman yesterday evening though. So that was nice. Then I finished off the evening by polishing off Superman the Animated Series, then starting in on the first episode of the animated Justice League.
It was a very superhero evening.
Today should be fairly busy as well. And tonight I've got a scout meeting. So another long day.
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