Well Crap. Thesing has his head split in half and he's supposed to come back later. Help?

Council of Thieves

Dark Archive

So one of my player's has a half-orc barbarian who got a critical hit on Thesing Ulvauno Umbero in Bastards of Erebus. He role played it properly. His character was angry with Thesing for bullying his friend and charged him. Thesing was instantly killed and I need something for the rest of the Campaign.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Cr500cricket wrote:
So one of my player's has a half-orc barbarian who got a critical hit on Thesing Ulvauno Umbero in Bastards of Erebus. He role played it properly. His character was angry with Thesing for bullying his friend and charged him. Thesing was instantly killed and I need something for the rest of the Campaign.

You have a bigger problem. The Dottari and the Hellknights will descend on the barbarian like white on rice. ("Manslaughter" is still a capital crime in Cheliax.)

So, the real question is - what do the other player characters do?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yeah, murder is a big deal, and Thesing is a pretty big celebrity in Cheliax, so the group will need to figure out how to handle this.

If his body makes it to the proper authorities, you can have the PCs run into instances of people in the streets mourning his loss, and attempting to raise money to resurrect him. If the PCs stash his body away some where, imagine their surprise when he makes his triumphant return in book 2, perhaps courtesy of a Council of Thieves agent that stumbled upon his corpse in a hideaway and thought he would be useful.

Dark Archive

It already said the hell knights are being forced to deal with real banditry outside of Westcrown and the dottari were successfully bluffed by the Sorcerer claiming that they were trying to defend him from the Bastards, believable so I set a DC of 20 and he made it. The entire situation was defused but I now have a story hole.

Have him come back not as a vampire, but as some sort of spectral undead. No reason a ghost or wraith couldn't have a hole in his head.

In fact, that's some powerful motivation: revenge for his own death.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't think having him come back as a spectral undead is the perfect solution, because Thesing plays a major, public role in book 2.

Here is what I, personally, would do. (Spoilered just in case)


If the dottari are aware of the crime, they presumably took the body with them. I would say have the Ulvauno family, with generous and very public donations from his adoring fans, resurrect Thesing. Again, have the PCs encounter people on the streets raising money for the resurrection of the beloved actor. Then the Six Trials of Larazod can also be Thesing's grand comeback performance. Have a scene where Thesing publicly lavishes praise on the PC for eliminating his "killers".

The preparations for the play will have a great underlying tension. Thesing knows the PCs killed him, and that he can reveal their crimes and send them to jail on a whim. He will use that leverage to take petty acts of revenge and make them do demeaning tasks for him. It will ramp up the animosity between Thesing and the party. He is already supposed to be a condescending jerk, but now he has leverage and can really taunt the party. Give him some powerful bodyguards as well, to ensure he "doesn't get attacked by any more Thieves".

After the play, he wouldn't dare try to expose the PCs, because it will seem like a false accusation of revenge for "ruining" his grand comeback. Then, have him fade into the background, popping up occasionally for some antagonistic jabs. For example, when my party emerged from Delvehaven they found packages waiting for them with rotten dishes from the Cornucopia along with insulting notes and hints that he knew they went into the Asmodean Knot. He is now primed to become a vampiric antagonist as he is supposed to be.

Dark Archive

Awesome! Thanks

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