Math Confirmation please (Cav Charge)

Rules Questions

Currently playing a level 17 Vanaran Cavlier and we're winding down but we've done some cinematic leveling lately and I want to make sure that my math still comes out right on normal attack, normal critical, charge attack, charge critical. A total multiplier is also needed since I'll need to tab up the additional bonus from a challenge. All of this is considered mounted.

STR 28 gives me a +9 on damage. DM ruled that using a 2H weapon 1H doesn't give the 1.5 STR bonus.
Impact magical weapon makes the 1d8 lance a 2d6.
+1 Enhancement is +1 damage.
Power Attack gives me +8 on damage.
I have Spirited Charge which deals 3x on a charge (SC).
Lances deal x2 damage on a charge (LC).

Normal: 2d6 + 18 (+17 Challenge)

Normal Critical: Treated as a x3. 6d6 + 54 (+51 Challenge)

Now where everything gets confusing for me. This is where I really need peer review.

Charge: 8d6 + 72 (+68 Challenge)
(2d6 base, multiples add together 3x SC + 2x LC (1 increase) = 4x net multipler so we end up with 8d6)

Charge Critical: Treated as a [b]x6[b]. 12d6 + 108 (+102 Challenge)

(2d6 base, multiples add together 3x Crit, 3x SC (2 increases), 2x LC (1 increase) = x6)

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Spirited Charge with a Lance =x3
If you charge and crit this increases to x5
Here is why


Spirited Charge (Combat)

Your mounted charge attacks deal a tremendous amount of damage.
Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack.
Benefit: When mounted and using the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance).

That is your x3

The lance has a crit multipier of 3, but when combined with another multiplier it is counted as one less so you would do x5, not x6

A power attack at level 17 on a Full BAB character should do more. It should be -5/+10 on a one handed weapon or -5/+15 on a two-hand(which is what your lance should be doing unless your DM has ruled differently than the FAQ on the lance and power attack).

And from my understanding of the feat, it was just supposed to increase the lance's charge damage, though I have no FAQs or RAW to back it up. I'm gonna leave out the Challenge because that one is pretty simple to do.

So you'd have a normal(if using the Lance FAQ for Power Attack: 2D6+25



Crit Charge(x5):10D6+125

If he doesn't use the Lance FAQ for power attack:




Charge Crit:10D6+100

wraithstrike wrote:

Spirited Charge with a Lance =x3

If you charge and crit this increases to x5
Here is why


Spirited Charge (Combat)

Your mounted charge attacks deal a tremendous amount of damage.
Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack.
Benefit: When mounted and using the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance).

That is your x3

The lance has a crit multipier of 3, but when combined with another multiplier it is counted as one less so you would do x5, not x6

Ah, peachy! Thanks for the catch! Then Supreme Charge at 20th level is moot on the damage front since Spirited Charge already does that modification.

So a little less damage at lance point but then there's still a charging warhorse and the inevitable overrun/trampling that follows.

Oh, right PA is -5 / +10 at 16. Thank you.

I think that you would also get an increase from Supreme Charge if you got to level 20 as the wording says you deal double(or triple if using a lance) normal damage, so you would end up dealing x5 on a normal charge(x3 + (x3-1) = x5) or x7 on a critical charge.

I'll dig more into that in 3 levels. Gotta make it to 20th before I worry about it.

Anyone have a link to that particular FAQ? This is what I dug up in the Core FAQ section on Two-handed weapons wielded in one hand:

FAQ wrote:

Weapons, Two-Handed in One Hand: When a feat or other special ability says to treat a weapon that is normally wielded in two hands as a one handed weapon, does it get treated as one or two handed weapon for the purposes of how to apply the Strength modifier or the Power Attack feat?

If you're wielding it in one hand (even if it is normally a two-handed weapon), treat it as a one-handed weapon for the purpose of how much Strength to apply, the Power Attack damage bonus, and so on.

posted Jul 19, 2013 | back to top


It also says:

FAQ wrote:

Power Attack: If I am using a two-handed weapon with one hand (such as a lance while mounted), do still I get the +50% damage for using a two-handed weapon?


posted May 24, 2013 | back to top

I am pretty sure the devs knew a mounted character would already be taking Spirited Charge so I think the intent is for them to stack meaning you would x5 normally and x7 on a crit with Spirited Charge at level 20.

CLufaS wrote:

I'll dig more into that in 3 levels. Gotta make it to 20th before I worry about it.

Anyone have a link to that particular FAQ? This is what I dug up in the Core FAQ section on Two-handed weapons wielded in one hand:

FAQ wrote:

Weapons, Two-Handed in One Hand: When a feat or other special ability says to treat a weapon that is normally wielded in two hands as a one handed weapon, does it get treated as one or two handed weapon for the purposes of how to apply the Strength modifier or the Power Attack feat?

If you're wielding it in one hand (even if it is normally a two-handed weapon), treat it as a one-handed weapon for the purpose of how much Strength to apply, the Power Attack damage bonus, and so on.

posted Jul 19, 2013 | back to top


It also says:

FAQ wrote:

Power Attack: If I am using a two-handed weapon with one hand (such as a lance while mounted), do still I get the +50% damage for using a two-handed weapon?


posted May 24, 2013 | back to top

If the rules say "treat as" then you have to do that, but if you are just wielding a two-handed weapon in one hand, without the "treat as" language the rules are not as complete, but I do have an opinion at the bottom.

AFAIK the lance is the only two-handed weapon used in one hand without the "treat as" language.

FAQ wrote:

Power Attack: If I am using a two-handed weapon with one hand (such as a lance while mounted), do still I get the +50% damage for using a two-handed weapon?


However the rules say nothing about the strength bonus, but it makes sense to use the 1.5 multiplier for the strength bonus if you are using it for power attack. It is just easier to track that way.

CLufaS wrote:

I have Spirited Charge which deals 3x on a charge (SC).
Lances deal x2 damage on a charge (LC).

This doesn't stack like this. You only get x3 overall with both, not x5.

wraithstrike wrote:
I am pretty sure the devs knew a mounted character would already be taking Spirited Charge so I think the intent is for them to stack meaning you would x5 normally and x7 on a crit with Spirited Charge at level 20.

I'm curious, what is the maximum Critical Multiplier? I'm not seeing it listed anywhere overtly thought there is Mythic Improved Critical which seems to cap it. We aren't playing Mythic but it appears that the x6 is the limit to a multiplier.

Improved Critical (Mythic) wrote:

Your critical strikes with your chosen weapon are deadlier than most.

Prerequisite(s): Improved Critical, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: Your critical multiplier with your chosen weapon is increased by 1 (to a maximum of ×6).

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different non-mythic Improved Critical feat.

CLufaS wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
I am pretty sure the devs knew a mounted character would already be taking Spirited Charge so I think the intent is for them to stack meaning you would x5 normally and x7 on a crit with Spirited Charge at level 20.

I'm curious, what is the maximum Critical Multiplier? I'm not seeing it listed anywhere overtly thought there is Mythic Improved Critical which seems to cap it. We aren't playing Mythic but it appears that the x6 is the limit to a multiplier.

Improved Critical (Mythic) wrote:

Your critical strikes with your chosen weapon are deadlier than most.

Prerequisite(s): Improved Critical, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: Your critical multiplier with your chosen weapon is increased by 1 (to a maximum of ×6).

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different non-mythic Improved Critical feat.

There is no maximum. The rule you cited is only for the specific feat so people won't keep taking it forever because you are allowed to take that feat several times to get something like x15 crit multiplier.

edit: x15 was just an example.

can you use a 2 handed weapon while ride-charging?
if yes, a scythe can be devastating too.
Though, a hihg range crit weapon can be letal too, 30% of doing x4 damage (scimitar) can beat the 10% of the scythe x6 damage. Sorry if derailed :/

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