Gnome Tickler (Touch attack) build advice


Hey Guys,

I am trying to make a gnome PFS character who uses Fell Magic to cast Chill Touch to do some fun stuff. I definitely want to take at least two levels of Ninja so I can get pressure points and start doing 2 str points when I get sneak attack. I also want him to be a poison master taking the knack for poison alt racial. This implies levels of alchemist I'm thinking 4 to 6 to get where I want with that. My other 4 to 6 levels are at the disposal of the forums :)

Here's where all the complications come in. How to hit. The DC of the Chill Touch is based off Wisdom so I want to max that. Next since I'm taking levels of alchemist I'm thinking I max int next. And I need 13 cha to get Extra Gnome Magic feat. I was thinking of going Mindchemist alchemist so I could always buff wis and use a few points elsewhere.

My current stats are (the only one that is locked is the 13 cha which was only a 1 point investment due to gnome racial).

So I'm essentially asking for ways to get wisdom to hit. I looked at 2 levels of Sensei monk but that only applies to unarmed strikes and I was under the impression that touch attacks aren't unarmed strikes (correct me if I'm wrong). I also looked at guided weapon property through amulet of mighty fists (but there was a few more confusing parts to that, and the fact guided property is PFS illegal). There is the Guided Hand feat but Irori I don't think can save me as again I don't think unarmed strikes are touch attacks. Is there a cleric or inquisitor way to do it, thought there was a domain power but not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks All

Grand Lodge

Do not dip Ninja.

Nab Reach Spell.

Combine with Chill Touch, Wayang Spellhunter.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Do not dip Ninja.

Nab Reach Spell.

Combine with Chill Touch, Wayang Spellhunter.

Can I use reach spell (or any metamagic feat for the matter) with SLAs?

Grand Lodge

There are feats to add some Metamagic to SLAs.

Not sure, but don't think those are PFS legal though, as I think those might be monster feats. Might just have to settle for weapon finesse and raising my dex at the expense of my con

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