Curaigh |

Welcome seekers of the Emerald Crown!
Lottery says I have 17 of 16 slots filled. Which. Is. Awesome!
Sharpen those teeth, and stretch out those claws. Give us your loudest roar and get a sneak peek of your opponents!
I keep trying to update the rules, but keep getting waylaid (frakkin goblins!) Character creation will most closely resemble Bestiary Bash: Assassin with different skill sets. The arena will most closely resemble the HeartFountain.
The rules change a little each year but after 10+ years, and 3 game systems, I would have worked all the kinks out! :) I'll bring more details soon. Who's going to bring more monsters!?!

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I'm bringing something special, I hesitate (Due to the competition sure to read it.) to specify and it is subject to change anyway with specific rules.
Are Archetypes of Core classes allowed?
For items, am I correct that we are using table 14-9: NPC Gear in the Core Rulebook for buying starting equipment? If so, do we use the Basic or Heroic column?
What about special items that are unique to a race and have no GP value given?

Curaigh |

High in the mountains, where the earth climbs into the sky a magical force collects. This magical energy gathers like a cloud. It builds and builds until an emerald energy thunders free. Warlords harvest the Emerald Clouds for power.
Dual: The duals will allow 2 rounds of prep before battle begins. Duals will last for a specified time and the winner of the dual is the critter with the most points at the end of the dual. Controlling the Emeralds Clouds can be key to winning the dual.
Controlling the Emerald Clouds means standing in its square. It grants fast healing 1 as its energies pour through you. The power is distracting, penalizing all saves with -2. Controlling the Emerald Clouds when the energy is released (every 1d4+5 real time minutes) is worth 3 points.
Killing an opponent is worth 2 points and one free round.
Dying does not mean the end of the match, the powers of the Emerald Clouds shall regenerate the combatants to full health in one round. One point of ability drain is also regained.
Between duals, all health will be returned to full, but daily abilities (such as barbarian’s rage or the bralani’s lightning bolt spell like ability do not.
Nyda stepped from the mists and felt the chill air through the blue fur covering her massive bulk. Looking across the mountain valley she saw her opponents equine head as it let out a rouf.
Race: Choose a monster with a CR equal to 4, 5 or 6 from Bestiary 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other Paizo sources. Undead, elementals, golems, plants, oozes, templates and dragons are not allowed. Their abilities are unbalanced in single encounters. Except for the Bestiary, I dinnae own sources, so bring your copy if you want to play one of these. Only one Misfit Monster fits the CR, so it is allowed as well.
Nyda’s chanting ended and the blue raven leapt off her should took to the air. She smiled knowing lightning bolts came from multiple directions.
Class: Choose a player class from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Advanced Players Guide or the Magus. Class level will be 6, 5, or 4 so adding level and CR equals 10. See Monsters as PCs in the Bestiary. I’ve never used archetypes, but I believe those from the APG, shouldn’t be a problem. I will use group consensus on others if you would like to ask. :) Please have some idea of what your next class level will look like, the Emerald Clouds are a source of power *wink wink nudge nudge*
Nyda’s opponent growled, “That’s three blasts. Let’s see how well you fare without your magic!” Nyda smiled a response.
Abilities & Feats: Keep it simple use the numbers from the monster’s stats. However if you need to raise an ability by 2 to qualify for spell casting or a feat drop your Con by 4. Don’t forget the additional point at level 4. Monster feats should match the book's entry as well, but if it has a general combat feat (such as two-weapon fighting) and you want to trade it for another general combat feat (such as point-blank shot) that is OK. Choose from the CRB, APG, UM, UC, & Bestiaries for class given and level-earned feats. Again bring a copy of the source.
An arcane mark flashed as Nyda drew her blade. The matching mark on her bracers also flashed.
Equipment: Equip yourself with whichever +1 light or medium armor (+1 bracers OK) you wish, (no special materials). Arm yourself with a +1 weapon if you wish or give one natural attack a +1 magical bonus. Additionally you may bring in a potion of a first level spell. If your class level is 5, you may bring in two 1st level potions, if your class level is 4 you may bring three 1st level potions. Two first level scrolls can be traded for one (and only one) potion. Potions will also be granted to winners of each dual.
Nyda thought back to her school days and the endless hours training in strategy and tactics.
Other MaterialsI will have minis, but if you have one, bring one, also if someone has a map, bring it. Hopefully we will be able to spread out to several tables. If everyone is interested we can add terrain, but this will be more complicated.
Nyda raven touched another foe and it burst into dust. After pushing her opponent, the pile of dust landed next to an X drawn in the dirt. The dust pile complete three circles in a row. “X’s never win,” she thought, but then the familiar squawked and landed in a gooey pile of mush.
Balance & Fun: Should one critter break the game so far as to ruin everyone else’s fun, I reserve the right to re-institute balance. Most likely this will be an addition of the Cursed Sidekick’s Template to the offending critter or the Salty Golem Template being added to the offending player’s oatmeal.
What else? I am sure I missed something. Please ask questions, and if you want to keep your idea a secret use the above example to introduce your Classy Critter! :)

Curaigh |

The goal is everyone comes with a level 10 so the duels remain balanced. This has been the sweet spot for 90% of the people asked in the past. Most of the monsters that people would like to play fall into the 5-6 CR range and 4-5 class levels is when players get enough 'cool' to be interested in one shot characters.
That said, if enough people want to play lower CR creatures with more class levels (or higher CRs with fewer class levels), it can be arranged. We simply need to all be at the same levels. I will probably offer one of these options next year (unless I have worked out the 'all dragon' bash :)
Power ramps up pretty quickly in class levels so they need to be close to keep things even. For example a 4th level cleric gets 2nd level spells, and the 6th level cleric gets 3rd. Or consider the 4th level barbarian with one attack and the 6th level with two. Also the fighter 1/wizard 1 duel would be much different than the fighter 10/wizard 10 dual.
I hope that helps :)

Curaigh |

Equipment: Equip yourself with whichever +1 light or medium armor (+1 bracers OK) you wish, (no special materials). Arm yourself with a +1 weapon if you wish or give one natural attack a +1 magical bonus. Additionally you may bring in a potion of a first level spell. If your class level is 5, you may bring in two 1st level potions, if your class level is 4 you may bring three 1st level potions. Two first level scrolls can be traded for one (and only one) potion. Potions will also be granted to winners of each dual.
I got that backward: 6 class levels get three potions, 4 class levels get one.

Klarg1 |
Curaigh wrote:Equipment: Equip yourself with whichever +1 light or medium armor (+1 bracers OK) you wish, (no special materials). Arm yourself with a +1 weapon if you wish or give one natural attack a +1 magical bonus. Additionally you may bring in a potion of a first level spell. If your class level is 5, you may bring in two 1st level potions, if your class level is 4 you may bring three 1st level potions. Two first level scrolls can be traded for one (and only one) potion. Potions will also be granted to winners of each dual.I got that backward: 6 class levels get three potions, 4 class levels get one.
If a monster's bestiary entry includes a piece of equipment, does it retain that item in addition to the stuff you listed above?
I'm looking forward to the event. It's my first bash, and first PaizoCon too!

Curaigh |

Glad to have you Klarg1! PaizoCon is a blast & I hope you have fun. :)
Common equipment such as a torch or fishhook, is probably not needed and can be ignored or not as you wish. (Bonus points if you find an creative use for a fishhook while exploring the Emerald Mists!) If the critter's entry comes with non-magical armor or weapon change it to the +1. If the armor or weapon is magical it needs to be balanced against the +1 version before I allow it. In all cases keep it simple.
If the equipment in question is not a weapon or armor feel free to ask here or send me a PM (to avoid spoilers). Questions I will ask might include: Is the equipment listed in the entry magic? Does it change the critters CR to lose it? Can the same effect be achieved mundanely? :)

Curaigh |

Ryosuke is correct on the starting potions. Sorry I didn't get that more clear.
Hit points will be done at the table. Along with introductions and pairing for duels.
Some other questions from PM:
We are looking at the monster CR not its HD (HD being a factor in calculating CR).
Dwarven Plate and Elven chain are a special materials.
I am excited to see some of the concepts folks are experimenting with.
Let's Bash some Beasties!

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One more question Curaigh:
Are we following the Monster Class Level Advancement Rules on page 296-297 of the Bestiary? In particular, this portion:
Step 2: Add Class Levels
Once you have determined the creature’s role, it’s time to
add class levels. The first step of this process is to modify
the creature’s ability scores. Creatures with class levels
receive +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 adjustments to their
ability scores, assigned in a manner that enhances their
class abilities. Creatures with NPC class levels do not
receive adjustments to their ability scores.

Curaigh |

To keep things simple, we will use the monsters as PCs, not the monster advancement by adding class levels. I do allow a change to one ability at the cost of Con.
Nyda’s opponent growled, “That’s three blasts. Let’s see how well you fare without your magic!” Nyda smiled a response.Abilities & Feats: Keep it simple use the numbers EDIT: abilities from the monster’s stats. However if you need to raise an ability by 2 to qualify for spell casting or a feat drop your Con by 4. Don’t forget the additional point at level 4.
One week from now the champion shall be determined and given the Emerald Crown!
I expect him or her to wear it for the rest of the day or con :)

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To keep things simple, we will use the monsters as PCs, not the monster advancement by adding class levels. I do allow a change to one ability at the cost of Con.Curaigh wrote:
Glad I saw this - totally scraps what I had built. I'm also going to have to come up with new concepts on the fly like Ryosuke says.

Curaigh |

Thanks to everyone who participated. I lost my voice halfway through the first session of the first day, but what a way to go! It was great to see all the creative character builds everyone had. It felt like the matches were pretty even, (with two exceptions) I hope y'all had as much fun as I did! I hope folks are willing to share their builds now that the competition is over.
Shout out to this year's contestants:
Dark Dark Stalker Rogue
Growler Derhiji Fighter/Gunslinger
Owb Na Owb Oracle (battle)
Shade Wyvern Barbarian
Miranda Thrae Soldier Fighter
Tony Weretiger Fighter
IX (pronounced /nIn/, I think :) Babau Oracle (waves)/Wizard/Ninja
Crusty Ceusdaemon Fighter
Snarl Derhiji Fighter
Tellemaja Huldra Oracle (planer)
Grizzick Hydra Barbarian
Yo JinBo Darkstalker Ninja
Owlie Owlbear (fighter?)
Vorial Bralani Azata Inquisitor
Kae (err... a bard... I think :(
Blinky Ceustdaemon Fighter
After three rounds only Yo JinBo and Grizzick remained undefeated so of course they had to face off in the final match!
Though he died more than his opponent, the champion of Bestiary Bash 4714...
*que dramatic music*
and the wearer of the Emerald Crown....
*close up on both contestants*