I'm not very good at playing mages but I rolled really well and need a mage, so I'm looking for advice.


Hi there fellow role players, I am currently playing Slumbering Tsar and my character, an 11th level sensei seeker sage sorcerer was just obliterated. He had lasted for two levels. My previous character was an urban Druid who had died twice and whose soul is now powering our imp magician bard who is now small sized. I also played a wizard while he was dead who lasted for one round of combat before the druid (and imp) were resurrected by a wish granted by Asmodius.

What I am saying is I'm not terribly good at playing mages and am looking to the Paizo community for ideas. Our party does need an arcane caster.

Here are my rolls: 17 16 16 15 13 10

I have been looking through the various guides and will probably be taking Augment Summoning. I was thinking maybe a dwarf void elementalist, but am very open to all ideas. Thank you all very much :)

11th level Dwarf Void wizard:

Str. 13
Dex 18
Con 21
Int. 22
Wis 18
Cha 8

F 12 r 11 w 14 (+9 vs spell & spell like, +5 poison)

Glory of old
6 Feats: steel soul, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning,
bonus feats: Scribe Scroll, fast study, opposition research

1. -
2. [Int]+1
3. [2nd Ability] +1, Prowess +1
4. {Int} +1; AC +1, Saves +1
5. [Int] +1
6. [2nd Ability] +1, [1st Attack] +1
7. AC +1, Saves +1, Prowess +1
8. {Wis} +1; [Int] +1, [3rd Ability] +1
9. [1st Attack] +1, [2nd Attack] +1, Prowess +1
10. AC +1, Saves +1
11. [Int] +1, [2nd Ability] +1, [3rd Ability] +1, Prowess +1


1st - 8
2nd - 4
3rd - 4
4th - 4
5th - 4
6th - 2

The party:
7th level Ogre Invulnerable Rager
9th level human evangelist cleric of Aroden (part time PC)
11th level halfling Urban Ranger 4/Ninja Knife Fighter 3/Invisible Blade 4
10th level teifling sword sage
7th level Imp (giant template) magician bard (the Druids cohort that I usually run)
8th level halfling cleric of Thamir Gixx (the halfling's cohort)

Edit: btw, our next game is Wednesday.

Edit: we do use a house rule that gives us the listed bonus found here as well as a revised wealth by level giving me 21,500 gp to spend.

I can't read your build correctly. What level is he starting at? If you're starting at level 8, just list what his ability scores actually are at level 8, including the racial adjustments and level increases.

Void isn't a bad school, it has some nice spells on there to fill the bonus slot with. I wouldn't worry about opposition research honestly, I personally would just pick Fire Elemental School as my opposed school and never memorize a spell with the fire descriptor. Fire is the most commonly resisted energy type, so for me it's a no-brainer. That would also free up Opposition Research to pick up a different feat instead, like Superior Summoning, Craft Wondrous Item, or a Metamagic feat

Sorry, 11th level. I just included my notes ported from pages .

Scarab Sages


Picking up a wizard at 11th level is going to be tough. They are technically challenging to play, because you really need to learn your spells.

What I would do is pick a general, fall-back trick (like blasting), and use that as your go-to when you don't really know what to do.

Then go to work learning your spells. By 11th level you have some very powerful and versatile spells, but that won’t help you if you don’t know what they do.

Keep a few low-mid level spell slots open to fill in with spells that you use out of combat (knock, rope trick, that sort of thing).

Other than that, start reading up on your spell list and just keep asking your self the following questions:

1) How exactly does this spell work? – make sure you pay attention to durations and casting times.
2) What situations would I use this in? A spell might sound cool in theory but be very limited in practice - for example, spider climb is NOT a combat spell.
3) Remember that some spells are highly situational and should be kept on your person as a scroll or potion. Gust of Wind and Gaseous Form are good examples of this.

Stay out of Melee, stay invisible as much as you can, and keep flying. At 11th level you have overland flight, which lasts 1 hour/level. Also use protection from arrows all the time, and keep a wind-wall on a scroll to block those archers. If you are used to playing a druid, then you know all about defensive magics. There is a lot of overlap on the two spell lists (resist energy, that sort of thing).

That’s the best advice I can think of (other than giving you a run-down of each spell and it’s uses). I hope that helps.

Yeah it helps. I'm mostly suffering from a lack of imagination right now which is why myost is kind of vague. Pretty much any advice will help me steer in a direction. Right now I'm vacillating between a witch and wizard.

eakratz wrote:
Yeah it helps. I'm mostly suffering from a lack of imagination right now which is why myost is kind of vague. Pretty much any advice will help me steer in a direction. Right now I'm vacillating between a witch and wizard.

I say go with the witch. They fulfill similar enough roles and the witch class features give you a lot more structure to work with in planning out your character.

Scarab Sages

I just thought of one more thing:

As a wizard you are a glass cannon. This means that if you are getting hit at all, you screwed up somewhere (Although to be fair this is not always in your control).

So spells that are about being in base-to-base combat are not worth worrying about - touch spells can be ok. Your familiar and the spectral hand spell, & the reach spell feat can all make these spells quite powerful.

But things like fire shield and elemental aura are not useful for you. Your familiar maybe, but not you, unless you have some really weird strategy in mind.

PSusac wrote:

I just thought of one more thing:

As a wizard you are a glass cannon. This means that if you are getting hit at all, you screwed up somewhere (Although to be fair this is not always in your control).

Ha ha that does seem to be the problem :) I've decided on a witch. I don't really feel like playing a bookish type right now. But we have another character about to die. He is about to fight the lich cleric of Asmodeus that killed me riding a skeletal tyrannosaurus and he wants to make a sorcerer so I'm also working on a warpriest. Those stats really scream to me MAD character.

eakratz wrote:

Ha ha that does seem to be the problem :) I've decided on a witch. I don't really feel like playing a bookish type right now. But we have another character about to die. He is about to fight the lich cleric of Asmodeus that killed me riding a skeletal tyrannosaurus and he wants to make a sorcerer so I'm also working on a warpriest. Those stats really scream to me MAD character.

I don't have anything to add, just wanted to mention that I first read that as "sexual tyrannosaurus."

More coffee is apparently needed...

With your stats I'd go with a Warpriest. Just because as they are now they are very MAD for stats, which you have. Besides, they look like fun to play.

Another thing to look at would be a Magus as a fighter/wizard hybrid.

Going stop here as I also need caffeine as I've just deleted 3 paragraphs of ramblings.

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