Sea Caves, A question of Content

Homebrew and House Rules

Afternoon everyone. So i am working on a grindylow cavern for part of my adventure. I have several areas already set up, but i need a few more. I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions?

Happy Gaming! :)

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Bumping the thread to help a fellow player out! Sorry I myself can't contribute!

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Well after reading the description of the grindylows in the PRD here are some random ideas.

A larder, full of salted corpses: fish, squirrels, etc. if your running a darker campaign could have humanoids or even babies here. Salted cause there you know preserved by an oceanic race which has lots of salt... well it makes sense in my head at least.

A place where they keep their pet octopi! Could have a giant octopi that the PCs must fight or go completely the other direction and have a bunch of cute little octopi floating around.

An encounter with a giant grindylow, the grindylow king.

A pile of treasure sorted by shininess level. You could have some valuable but not very shiny things like property deeds or treasure maps or maybe a chunk of adamant ore. I have often done this with goblins who have been raiding caravans.

A sad grindylow corpse which was killed by his kin and dressed up like a squid.

Maybe if you mention more of what you have already planned it could give people a better idea of what you are looking for.

I will. Currently doing my finals for my psychology class. ill post shortly. Thanks all for the help. :)

Happy Gaming!

Alright, so here is the breakdown.

I am using my own campaign setting, and i am running an "against the slave lords" of my own design. The initial part is people are disappearing from the town of Shores End. The party is lead to a Sea cave in the side of some cliffs.

There they fight the grindylows, pirates, and a pirate captain who is responsible for the raids by the grindylow.

The Following is the beggining stage of the adventure, which includes the grindylow caves. I have tried to space it for ease of reading.

Note: Any suggestions about the adventure so far, let me know. I want to eventually enter the RPG superstar tournament so i am preparing on all levels. This includes adventure writing.

Adventure so far:
Characters arrive in Shores End after many days of hard travel, answering the call for adventure from the local representatives of the Great Dwarven Empire. Here they are to meet Dram Stoneharrow, leader of the Dwarven Merchants guild in Shores End, to discuss exploration of the local ruins. They arrive at the guild office during mid day, the cool sea air tingling there lungs as they make there way to the large warehouse-like building. Once inside they are led to a modestly sized room, its sole occupant a rather portly middle-aged dwarf dressed in the clothes of someone who has lived much of his life on the road.

"Come in, Come in. Welcome to the Silver Scale, I am Dram, Guildmaster here; i assume you are here about the ad for adventurers to search out the ruins of my people and bring back any artifacts you find. Normally i would send you off right away, but you have come at a strange time my friends. The town of shores end has become a dangerous place, people disapearing into the night, fisherman snatched from their boats, and odd people have been seen skulking about."

He looks at each member of the party somberly.

"Currently the town guard and its captain, York, are keeping a careful eye on those entering and leaving the shores end. I would not be suprised if word of you arrival has already reached his ears."

Dram takes a drink from some dark amber liquid.

"They are also preventing most merchant traffic from leaving the city, as well as anyone who might be considered suspicious. It will take several days to get things cleared with the city council and the watch. Until i can, please enjoy your stay, Shores end offers several inns, and hosts a number of antiquties. The Gutted Pike is famous for its roast duck. Any questions?"

Should the PC's ask, the payment for exploration and excavation of any ruins is 100 gp per member of the party. Payment for retrieval of any artifacts (Books, Art, Weapons, Armor, Etc.) is on a case by case bases. Dram will provide the party with 200 gp up front for lodgings for the next few days while he gets the party cleared to explore the local ruins surrounding Shores End.

Unknown to the party, Dram hired a dwarven adventuring party to explore a set of ruins located on Moss surf Shore Three weeks ago. The party never returned, though one dwarf washed up on the Drake Wing cliffs several days ago. He was found by a local's and his body returned to his family in Gundurak.

The party is free to explore Shores End, the town provides several places PC's can shop or here local gossip. When the party grows weary from exploring the town, they can make their way to the Gutted Pike, a tavern and inn located on the docks of Shores End. Its wooden beams tempered by decades of Sea spray its faded sign reading "The Gutted Pike" showing a picture of an Abnormally large pike being cutted by a fishermans hook.

The Inn is alive with sights, sounds, and smells as people from all walks of life can be found within. Trappers from the north, fisherman and whalers, guardsman, adventurers, farmers, and merchants are all gathered here. As the party enters they are called out by a strange looking fellow, his skin a cerulean color, his eyes and hair an off white.

"Evening! welcome to the Gutted Pike, Name is Shorn, make yourselves at home." Shorn is the owner of the Gutted Pike and is well versed on the going ons in town.

Run this encounter some time in the evening, as the party is just about to call it a night, they here a scream coming from outside.

If the party goes to investigate they are greeted by the sight of one of the local fisherman, Tobias Crowely, and Dram being ambushed by a group squid-like creatures and one hooded figure who appear to be dragging them onto a skiff of some sort.

Combating the Kidnappers -

Grindylow (4) -
Undine Pirate - Fighter 1

Note: The Undine runs and dives into the water if he is brought below half hit points, or if two or more grindylow fall.

The party can try to save crowely and Dram or they can ignore their cries for help and the local guard will arrive in time to save Dram but not before Tobias is captured and the kidnappers skiff travel's off into the distance with their prisoner in tow.

Whether or not the party assists in rescuing Tobias and Dram, Dram is quiet shaken, and whats the adventurer's to forgo the explorations of ruins and investigate the kidnappings going on. If the party did assist Dram and tobias, Dram pays them 100 gp for rescuing him. If they managed to rescue both Dram and Tobias, he pays them an additional 100 gp.

In the morning, Dram calls the party back to his office, and tells them one of his retainers were found dead of the shore of the Drake Wing Cliffs, seven miles from town. He was brought in by Nalia Or'lenia, a local Silver Hawk Warden who patrols the area around Shores End.

He tells the Party that she has some information that might be valuable. Nalia is a half-elven woman of medium height dressed in silver light flowing clothes and a silver breastplate with a stylized hawk on the front. She carries a small broad blade on her hip, and a crossbow on her back.

She addresses the party and tells them she found him dead and half eaten on the shoreline just below the Drakewing cliffs, his body pierced several dozen times. She tells them she thinks it was the work of grindylow's and she is well aware of their encounter with the creatures last night.

She knows of a cave within the drakewing cliffs, were the grindylow might be located. Though she does not think they are responsible for the kidnappings, as the little beasts are far to dim-witted to be able to masterplan anything. Though it might be a good starting point to find out who is responsible for the kidnappings.

Drakewing cliffs -

Located Several miles outside Shores End, Drakewing cliffs are so named for the flocks of cliff drakes that call this place home. Though small, they can be a nuisance in large numbers, so the place is usually left alone by most civilized society.

The cliffs are home to a number of tidal caverns which honeycomb all throughout the cliffs. Many local sea life call them home, including a sizable tribe of Grindylow. Though primarily a nuisance to travelers and sea going vessels, they have become more aggressive as time has gone on. The reason for this, is because of an Undine pirate captain who has been using the grindylow to capture fisherman from their boats and townsfolk from shores end.

He then sends them to the Orcish slavers at the Moss Surf ruins and their sidiros employers. What happens to them after that is none of his concern as long as he is being paid.

CR 1-4 Total XP (6,000)

Monsters - Grindylow, Giant crabs, Snapping sea turtle, Allip, Reefclaw, Submerged skeletons, Pirates, Pirate Captain

Areas - Sea Caves, Sunken Prison.

Happy gaming! :)

The Exchange

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Sea caves tend to have natural chimneys - sinkholes running up to ground level. Even if they're too narrow to act as secondary entrances, this is a great place to put cave fishers, net-throwing spiders or some other kind of critter that attacks from above. (Obviously, this sort of encounter should be in side areas the grindylows aren't using - otherwise they'd have smoked them out or something.)

Note: This is the beginning of my campaign.

Thats a good idea Lincoln Hills.

Shameless plug, but if you plan to create a map for this underwater cave, I've recently released a set of 50 photo-realistic Undersea Map Icons that include kelp, seaweed, a dozen varieties of coral, sea anemones, star fish, crabs, a dozen different kinds of fish from sea horses and clown fish to sharks and stingrays. There's also a dolphin, humpback whale and many others.

Although I'm trying to get it into the Paizo Store, currently it is available at DTRPG on this page. Its only $4.99. Most of the icons were created in 3D, so the sealife looks like their realworld counterparts.

Thats pretty awesome Gamer-printer :)

The Exchange

the skulls and shackles AP has something like this.

I was just looking over that a little bit ago. Thought about it, but i didn't want to do exactly that, but i might be able to look it over for ideas.

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