Reporting older Season 5 scenarios

GM Discussion


When reporting older Season 5 scenarios (Such as Glass River Rescue) does it still matter if we report A,B,C, or D? While for newer scenarios I understand that those boxes are important, once the decision has been made to go with one of these choices does that info still need to be reported?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

It still matters.

1) It's good practice.
2) Some of the loose ends might still be unresolved (e.g. someone escaping/dying), so many months of data could be gathered before that plot point is referenced in a later scenario.
3) How do you decide what's recent and what isn't?


The issue is that a lot of these choices are very binary, like in Glass River Rescue. Especially with someone escaping or dying, there's generally not a lot of wriggle room with these choices. For example, the Sealed Gate looks like it is already using one of those choices. Since that choice has already been made, does reporting ABCD for the previous scenario matter?

As for point 3, 6 months seems to be the cut off point for recent scenarios, especially when players have had an impact in the outcome for scenarios. Is someone important going to live depending on this scenario? It was made known well within 6 months whether or not they had survived.


Is the minute amount of extra effort that's required to report them even worth asking this question?

The Exchange 5/5

I think Tarma's question is valid, but I don't think the campaign will provide an official answer. Without knowing when the cutoff is, I recommend always reporting at least until the end of the season.


Artoo wrote:
Is the minute amount of extra effort that's required to report them even worth asking this question?

It becomes much more than a minute amount of effort if you have a newer GM who wasn't completely aware of the ABCD options and isn't sure what was needed to track in that situation.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Tarma wrote:
It becomes much more than a minute amount of effort if you have a newer GM who wasn't completely aware of the ABCD options and isn't sure what was needed to track in that situation.

Then it's good practice for the occasions when it is needed.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Unless someone higher up says so, I'd even encourage to continue reporting the ABCD options once Season 6 starts up. It's good practice and I'm sure the Mike Brock is using that data for something.

I personally enjoy letting my players know what the different options were as well and how I'm reporting it, that way they know what impact they could have had during the scenario.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Part of my prep for scenarios is a "conclusion" page where I have the final wrap-up paragraph (separated out, where necessary, according to the choices made in game, or whether a certain NPC survived/died/got away) followed by a series of boxes for

Primary Mission
Secondary Mission
Any faction missions
Additional requirements to get boons / avoid negative boons
ABCD Reporting requirements

As part of the wrap up, I go down that list and let the party know which missions they completed, and note who gets which boons and what reporting options to use. It makes it quick and easy every play through.

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