Battle Mini subscription issue

Customer Service

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


I was looking at my subscription page and noticed that my mini subscription had increased in price from $279.99 just a days ago to 358.18 today. Is that a correct price jump or did something wonky happen with the system?


Customer Service Representative


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It looks like the system is having some trouble applying the correct promotion to this.

I have reset things and saved them again. The correct price of $279.99 *should* stick this time. If for some reason, it resets when we generate your June order, please let us know. so we can correct it.


Liberty's Edge

Sharaya wrote:


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It looks like the system is having some trouble applying the correct promotion to this.

I have reset things and saved them again. The correct price of $279.99 *should* stick this time. If for some reason, it resets when we generate your June order, please let us know. so we can correct it.


Doing the same thing on my subscription.

Customer Service Representative

andi598d wrote:
Doing the same thing on my subscription.

I gave yours a kick too, so it should be set to the correct price now. Again, if it resets for some reason when we generate June orders, please let us know, so we can correct it.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It looks like it's back to its original price! I'll keep an eye when my order is generated to make sure it stays that way. Thanks for the help!!

Liberty's Edge

Yikes, mine shows the same issue! Give mine a kick for good measure too! Thanks!!!

Customer Service Representative

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
Yikes, mine shows the same issue! Give mine a kick for good measure too! Thanks!!!

A solid kick has been given!


Liberty's Edge

Thanks again!

It's done the same thing with my subscription.

Customer Service Representative

FractalLaw wrote:
It's done the same thing with my subscription.

Gave yours a kick to reset it to the correct price. Please keep an eye on things when we generate June subscriptions (and you have an order number) and let us know if anything looks amiss.


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