Cohort casting / crafting for party members?


This is a bit of a "make sure I'm not being a dick" check...

My group for Shattered Star is very dysfunctional - first three chars were barbarian, sword and board fighter and zen archer. I rolled up a halfing archaeologist to try and fill some gaps, and we've been muddling along ok so far.

We're almost L6, and I talked to the DM about taking Leadership at L7. My idea is to get a cleric of Desna as an apprentice archaeologist, and 6 first level academics (alchemist, wizard, lore oracle etc) to serve as 'research assistants' back at my Heidmarch manor home base. They will basically save us half off on common 1st-level potions/scrolls and what not. As I level up I'm gonna turn away any additional followers, but we'll rule my 1st-level dudes can gain a level if I would normally receive a higher-level follower.

For my apprentice, I want him to accompany us, but basically hang back and stay out of combat. Perhaps cast an occasional buff spell on me. In between combats he will channel, which should save us a lot of $$$ on healing wands. I don't want him to be a presence in combat because I don't want to bog the game down and end up taking 2x as many turns as others. I'll build him primarily as a long term buffer, crafter and knowledge helper.

My conundrum is how to treat my apprentice loot-wise. I know that as a cohort I don't have to technically pay him, but I'd think common decency should dictate that I provide them with some money/items. I'm considering offering the party two alternatives:

1) they give him a half-share of any monetary treasure we find (so we divide things 4.5 ways), and he casts spells as needed for their benefit, in addition to channeling and knowledge checks etc. He'll also craft items at cost when time permits (but crafting for me is first priority).

2) he gets nothing from party. I'll pay him some out of my own pocket. However, if they want any spells cast by him or items crafted, he is free to gouge them or charge them as an NPC would (albeit at a discount - perhaps making a Belt of Strength +2 for 3000gp instead of 2000gp for instance). Perhaps spells would be cast at 1/2 (or less) the cost of an NPC, and if they save his life or toss him a hand-me-down magic item he'd of course remember and reciprocate. If we find items he'd like that we are going to sell, he will be forced to pay what we could sell them for (I'd likely refund him my share of that money).

Any money he makes will be kept separate from my char's funds of course, and used to buy/craft items for him.

Does this sound reasonable? I believe in my char doing anything possible to help the party free of charge, but then my bard is getting a share of the loot. If the party doesn't want to cut my cohort in (a reasonable opinion for them to have), then I don't feel they should expect the same sort of consideration from him that they would get from me. I just wanted to see how others feel and make sure I'm not being a dick (I remember the giant thread on charging party members for crafting).

A 5th level NPC has 2,400 gp of gear. Just try to keep him around what the NPC guidelines have it around.

Which you can read here =)

first a caveat. Its your game do what you and your group finds fun.

Ok that out of the way technically speaking if you're using RAW WBL nobody gets a discount. I think its int he campaign book. it spells out that only the person who takes the feat should get the discount and then they should only be 25% over WBL because of those feats. Everyone else should get less treasure if your NPC starts crafting at a discount(keeping them at WBL) because its ridiculously easy in any campaign without a hard time limit(Never played shattered star so I don;t know,but Paizo AP's fall apart against anything outside of the baseline ideas in the game. Especially extra treasure.) for the crafting feat to blow the game wide open. Secondly a lot of GM's hate cohorts who can in this scenario just keep taking other crafting feats so you get all of the benefits of all those feats for just one feat. Its seen as a cheesy power gamer move.

Once again its your game and you seem to be coming at this from an honest perspective so take my warnings with a grain of salt.

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