Jayder22 |
I think the level of the spell should be dependent on the duration of the spell. This one spell would give so many options: +2 to any save, +4 initiative, +3 to most skill checks, +3 HP, +1 natural armor(stacks with mage armor).
If it was min/level: I would say level 1
10min/level: Could go either way, I would lean towards level 2
Hour/level: I would suggest level 2, just for the sheer flexibility of the spell
Beakerpsych |
Ok, so this is what I've come up with.
Familiar Shift
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal and your familiar
Target you/your familiar
Duration 1 minute/level
This spell allows you to change your familiar into a different kind of animal. The new form must be allowed as a familiar, and once the spell takes effect, your familiar gains all the physical abilities of the new form including physical characteristics and abilities, but mental characteristics, feats and personality remain unchanged. As a result of this transformation,and while the spell is in effect, the caster gains the special ability that is associated with the familiars new shape but loses the special ability that was associated with the old. (For example, wizards who turn their foxes into cats would lose their +2 bonus on Reflex saves and gain a +3 bonus on Stealth checks.)