Other weapons of families

Jade Regent

Does anyone have information for the other families, such as the seals, etc or does anyone have some homebrew of them?

Tide of Honor has some information on the five families, not sure what the seals look like.

There is a brief mention of the other seals in book 6 and the minor powers that are granted to the heroes. But nothing concerning their full powers for their own scions.

As for the weapons, there are three altogether that are described. Suishen of house Amatatsu in book 2; the Thundering Blade of house Sugimatu in book 4 and the Daikyu of Commanding Presence of house Higashiyama in book 5.

The last two only have basic powers described since no scion of their respective families exist to unlock their full powers.

For my campaign, I added a yari spear of another house in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament side adventure.

thanks Cranky:) i had very little time for my own explanation:) kids and all:)


I've added a plot point that the Thundering Blade was actually sentient until Munasukaru broke her mind, which is part of why Muna carries her around as a badge of pride. The party has a master bladesmith who claims he will need to recreate some of the conditions of her original reforging in order to fix her, if that's even possible. The party plans to use legend lore, and then I've written up a sidequest involving one of the Three Fires.

Similarly, the daikyu of commanding presence in my game is one of a set of bows that are weaker replicas of the intelligent bow of the Higashiyama family. I've given all five of those weapons the parallel destruction condition to Suishen, and the oni only managed to actually destroy the Higashiyama's in that way (since they had unparalleled access to Higashiyama members, allowing them to easily kill the last one with the intelligent bow). Once my party finds out about this, they may try to find a way to bring back the destroyed Higashiyama bow using the replica they have, but they're still on the bandits for now, so we'll see what happens.

I also intend to choose two weapons for the other two families at some point. The idea is that the intelligent weapon of each family also corresponded to a "favored weapon" of sorts for that family.

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