Plug and Play Suggestions for early level Varisia?


Silver Crusade

Hi there,

I'm a fairly new GM and I'm running the classic Rise of the Runelords campaign for my group of friends. The AP is designed for the fast-track experience but I set ours for the medium so that the PC's could explore the world a bit in a sandbox fashion and earn story rewards rather than just going from one event in the AP to the next. It makes the game feel less linear and forced. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some decent plug-and-play modules or dungeons that would be suitable for low level characters in the environment Varisia.

By the way, I used to be athird-party snob and would only consider Paizo published materials. However, after seeing Dreamscarred Press' "Ultimate Psionics" and Frog God Games' "Slumbering Tsar" I've repented and am now open to third party suggestions... as long as the quality is decent. Paizo's still my first choice, but not my only consideration.

Can anyone help?

Grand Lodge

You may just want to dump experience altogether.

Using event based leveling seems way more in keep with your group's playstyle.

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:

You may just want to dump experience altogether.

Using event based leveling seems way more in keep with your group's playstyle.

Perhaps, even though the geek in me actually enjoys the bookkeeping of XP. I'm just interested in modules or dungeons I can plug-and-play into the campaign so I don't have to herd them from one event to the next (i.e. Glassworks, Foxglove Manor, etc.)

Grand Lodge

What level is the party now?

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:
What level is the party now?

They're at level 2. They just did the Glassworks but haven't headed toward Thistletop yet. But I'm also planning ahead so it can be for a couple levels higher. If they go straight to Thistletop, I'll be good but they might wander a bit. Again, I don't want to herd them there. They're still sniffing for clues and could possibly wander on a rabbit-trail or two.

I'm more expecting some plug-and-play between Thistletop and the eventual journey to Magnimar and definately some before the journey to Fort Rannick.

Grand Lodge

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The Godsmouth Heresy is good one for now.

Feast of Ravenmoor for a little later.

Sovereign Court

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There are a couple of other APs set in Varisia. You could take some of the subquests from those as side-treks for RotRL. That sounds fairly plug-'n-play.

Varisia is a pretty nifty country; Paizo's published a lot of supplements detailing its various cities. It does seem a waste to hurry through it on the fast XP track.

Silver Crusade

Ascalaphus wrote:

There are a couple of other APs set in Varisia. You could take some of the subquests from those as side-treks for RotRL. That sounds fairly plug-'n-play.

Varisia is a pretty nifty country; Paizo's published a lot of supplements detailing its various cities. It does seem a waste to hurry through it on the fast XP track.

That's why I chose Varisia. For one, it's the most fleshed out due to it's being the first region detailed by Paizo. I knew I'd be able to easily find supplemental material for it. Also, it also holds closest to the classic traditional fantasy world setting, i.e Middle-Earth or Forgotten Realms.

I'm fairly new GM'ing and everyone in my group, save one, is a complete noob. Varisia seemed like the best setting due to it's accessibility and adherence to classic high-fantasy. I knew the people in my group would easily adapt to it, especially the one experienced member since he used to play Forgotten Realms back in the 2nd edition days.

As far as borrowing from the other AP's, I'm planning on eventually running those down the line so I'd prefer to leave them be for now.

Silver Crusade

blackbloodtroll wrote:

The Godsmouth Heresy is good one for now.

Feast of Ravenmoor for a little later.

Thanks for the suggestions. These may work quite well. I'll play loose with the plot and location given in the modules, but the actual dungeon-crawls and side-mysteries will help to fill out the world. Much appreciation.

Silver Crusade

I actually purchased a couple Pathfinder comics because they come with the extra encounters and fold-out maps for use in the game. The first issue had an encounter with goblins on Junker's Beach with a battle-map. That was quite useful during our first session not to mention fun. It made the comic worth it's value just for that alone since the story in the comic itself... meh...

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Season 4 of pathfinder society had a great many scenarios in Varisia. While the metaplot was tied to the Shattered Star AP and the newly opened lodge in Magnimar (thus after the events in RotRL) converting some shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Edit: can't spell

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