Amulet of Mighty Fists on an Animal Companion


Liberty's Edge

My ranger and his wolf are both 9th level, since I took the Boon Companion feat. The wolf has proven powerful so far (hadn't been used much, and only took BC at 9th level). But I'd like to give him an option against incorporeal foes, and maybe even to beat DR.

Since an amulet of mighty fists can be enchanted with a special weapon property without the +1 enhancement bonus, can it still count as magic?

I.e. A holy amulet of mighty fist (16,000 GP) would bypass DR/evil. But could it also strike ghosts/wraiths/etc. Or does it need to be +1 holy for that?

If the latter is true, I'm a long way off on a +3 enchanted AoMF. Would it be better to grab a ghost touch amulet or a straight +1 in that case?

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