RotR Changes After Playtest

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I was looking at the Ezren card from the RotR playtest that Mike shared on Board Game Geek a wile ago.

I noticed a few interesting things:

1. His Arcane and Knowledge skills were different sized die than his Intelligence skill.

2. His explore power isn't present and instead he can sacrifice his first exploration to recharge a spell from his discard pile.

3. There are no apparent skill feats or power feats.

So, I was wondering if anyone on the design team would be willing to share what major things changed for RotR from the play test version to the published version? I'd love to hear a bit about how some things changed and why. Were skill feats not in the original concept? Were there any other ideas dropped or added?

The Rusty Dragon playtest card hints that there might have been a different concept for discarding cards (I can't think why you would want to put a discarded ally into a location deck unless you weren't normally discarding them into your own discard pile.)

If you are able to share, thanks. If you are too busy with the character decks for organized play or some other great PACG project to answer, then thanks for that too.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It looks like they were originally thinking about dice size increases but went to pluses instead.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
So, I was wondering if anyone on the design team would be willing to share what major things changed for RotR from the play test version to the published version? I'd love to hear a bit about how some things changed and why. Were skill feats not in the original concept? Were there any other ideas dropped or added?

OMG everything. I would be surprised if we could explain that in less than 10,000 words.

For the Rusty Dragon it seems to be a thematic thing ... this is where all your allies go to take a break. So if you play an ally there, then you can re-enlist them instead of healing them.

Maybe closing locations was different then?


Here's 3 pictures to help you out from PaizoCon 2012


If you download the 3rd in "original" you should be able to make out most of the cards.

Some notes about what I remember from that playtest:

Those difference die sizes were the skills that are flat bonuses now. Back during that playtest at least you added the extra die.

There wasn't any advancement set up then, just a single game, I do remember it being set in sandpoint and the shopkeeper's daughter showing up and Mike telling us about the deck improvement aspect.

I don't remember the henchmen mechanic (doesn't mean it wasn't there though), I do remember the temporarily closing locations and the blessing deck ticking down.

I admit when I played it at PaizoCon 2012 I was not very impressed.
I played it a couple of times since then and it was alright, but I was playing with an experienced group and was just sorta long for the ride.

I however received it as a gift ~2weeks ago and have since been enjoying it immensely.


Hope that helps a little.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

What's shocking about that Ezren card is that we actually laid out a game when we hadn't even decided on how skills worked. That should show you how seriously Paizo took this game.

Wow. That was very different looking. So, were the stand up character tokens intended originally, or were those just stand in things while it was being designed?

Mike (and all): When you have some more free time from designing the next awesome PACG thing (so maybe some time around 2019) I'd love to hear more about the creative process that resulted in the game we all know and love.

Paizo Employee

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. That was very different looking. So, were the stand up character tokens intended originally, or were those just stand in things while it was being designed?

Looks like Pathfinder Pawns made originally for the RPG:PF Pawns

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. That was very different looking. So, were the stand up character tokens intended originally, or were those just stand in things while it was being designed?

Mike (and all): When you have some more free time from designing the next awesome PACG thing (so maybe some time around 2019) I'd love to hear more about the creative process that resulted in the game we all know and love.

I'm glad I was able to find the pictures I took, just sorry I can't remember more details from the playtest.

Speaking of such things though it made me read the playtester list in the back of the manual and find myself \o/

Elvis Aron Manypockets wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. That was very different looking. So, were the stand up character tokens intended originally, or were those just stand in things while it was being designed?

Looks like Pathfinder Pawns made originally for the RPG:PF Pawns

Cool. Thanks for the knowledge.

Pirate Rob wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. That was very different looking. So, were the stand up character tokens intended originally, or were those just stand in things while it was being designed?

Mike (and all): When you have some more free time from designing the next awesome PACG thing (so maybe some time around 2019) I'd love to hear more about the creative process that resulted in the game we all know and love.

I'm glad I was able to find the pictures I took, just sorry I can't remember more details from the playtest.

Speaking of such things though it made me read the playtester list in the back of the manual and find myself \o/

Thanks for sharing the pictures. And the things you do remember. I appreciate it.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
So, I was wondering if anyone on the design team would be willing to share what major things changed for RotR from the play test version to the published version? I'd love to hear a bit about how some things changed and why. Were skill feats not in the original concept? Were there any other ideas dropped or added?
OMG everything. I would be surprised if we could explain that in less than 10,000 words.

Um, maybe you could have a Q&A session like DXV did with all the Dominion expansions:

Paizo Employee

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Elvis Aron Manypockets wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. That was very different looking. So, were the stand up character tokens intended originally, or were those just stand in things while it was being designed?

Looks like Pathfinder Pawns made originally for the RPG:PF Pawns
Cool. Thanks for the knowledge.

FYI the Iconics are from the NPC Codex box. We actually use miniatures for our group, some from the Beginner's Box Heroes set Kyra-Ezren-Merisiel-Valeros and others from Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter (currently unpainted). Makes it easier to see who's at a location.

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