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If your pathfinder characters passed the test of the starstone, what would they become the gods of? Why? How would they get over the pit around the temple?
For me
The Gentleman Thief
Sacred Animal: Black Cat
Favored Weapon: Light Crossbow
Abolition, Thievery, and Honour
Chaos, Charm, Trickery, Water, Travel, Liberation, Protean, Weather, Whimsy
Flotsam, Oceans, Revelry, Lust, Deception, Innuendo, Thievery, Freedom, Exploration, Storms
At first glance, it is easy to assume that this young god is a demon, as he was a tiefling as a mortal. A former pirate and slaver hunter who passed the test of the starstone, he now watches over honorable thieves, privateers and slaver hunters.
The Hidden Empress
An Entropic awakened cat, The Hidden Empress was Erkos' pet cat when he was alive. Upon becoming a god his first action was to raise his beloved pet to a more intelligent status. Despite her size, this creature is powerful and serves as the Gentleman Thief's herald. Though currently a herald, she does consider herself the goddess of cats, and is quite happy to tell anyone who asks her that that is her job.

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Hmmm... if my oracle Talevalo passed the Test of the Starstone, I doubt he'd start gathering worshipers or establish a church at all. The rest of the universe beckons to be explored! And I'd be immortal, so it's not like I couldn't come back in a few centuries if I decided that I wanted reverence and supplication.

The Mighty Chocobo |

Talathes Charthagnion
The Shadow Hunter
Favoured weapon:Longbow
Portfolio: Shadow, espionage, vengeance
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Good, Liberation, Trickery
Subdomains: Azata, Deception, Night, Revolution
Talathes is very young for a god, he was friends with the shadows in life and and his center of worship is in the revolutionaries of Nidal, who call on his name as they try to protect the innocents from the more powerful diety who calls the shadow plane home. Talathes is on good terms with Shelyn, Desna, Milani, Calistria, Cauden Cailean, and Sarenrae
Allies: Talathes is a loner and has no true allies, he hides from more powerful gods who wish him ill and he is his own herald

Evil Midnight Lurker |

Klarion Bleak, NG Halfling God of Creeping Evildoers Right The F#%@ Out
Domains: Good (Agathion), Luck (Curse), Trickery (Deception), Darkness (Moon)
Favored weapon: dagger (witch's athame)
Holy Symbol: a creepy little grin in the darkness
Herald: Teekl, advanced silvanshee
Professor Kilroy K., LG Gnome God of Scholars and Archaeology
Domains: Good (Friendship), Knowledge (Memory, Thought), Law (Loyalty), Rune (Language, Wards)
Favored weapon: butterfly net
Holy Symbol: a pith helmet
Herald: Primela Lastchance, crypt-breaker/chirurgeon alchemist (in mortal life, Kilroy's minder and nurse -- Prof. K. was ridiculously aged for even a gnome adventurer)

Caldax Godelyl |

Caldax Godelyl, The Sable Wind
NE Drow God
Domains: Charm (Lust), Darkness (Night), Evil (Fear), Travel (Exploration), Trickery (Thievery)
Favored Weapon: Hand Crossbow
Holy Symbol: Three crossbow bolts over a circle of black
Herald: Brandis the Barbarian
An odd one at that, mostly out to get rich and have some fun. And good is boring and restricting. Sometimes one can bend the law and work within the system, other times you just need to burn a village down. He can party with the best of them, but he often gets in over his head as well.

Tryn |

Ghorim, seeker of secrets & explorers
NG dwarven God
Domains: Good, Earth, Knowledge, Rune, Travel
Fav. Weapon: Light Crossbow
Holy Symbol: a scroll with strange runes and a sextant atop
Ghorim favour those who seek long forgotten secrets and use them for the greater good. He's eager to learn as much as possible, but he will never use this knowledge for his own benefit, greed or evil.
He's also a very curious good who always look for new ways to handle things and by this most old dwarfs are cautious, but most young dwarfs loves his lust for adventure, exploration and discoveries.

BaronBytes |

Thorsen, God of Survival in winter, guide to those lost in the cold
NG Human(Erutaki) god
Domains : Water(Ice), Fire, Travel, Weather, Community
Favored Weapon : Spear
Holy Symbol : A flame over a white snowflake
The winter is a seson of untold riches for those able to survive it and thrive in it. Fire and community are the means to thrive through winter.
Thorsen would be a protector god prayed by those trying to survive through winter. His temples would always have a central fire kept lit to give warmth to the community.

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CG Assimar Goddess of Gunslingers, Adventurers and Daredevils
Domains: Artifice, Chaos (Azata, Reveraly), Feather, Fire (Smoke) Glory (Heroism), Liberation (Freedom), Protection, Trickery (Ambush, Deception), Black Powder Inquisition, Conversion Inquisition
Favoured Weapon: Pistol
Holy Symbol: A pistol superimposed on a fireball
Lady: A celestial light horse, lady severs both as Zirza's mount and herald.
Zirza is a goddess of gunslingers, and as such her clerics often have ranks of gunslinger as well as being clerics. Though the church is very new, a strange higherarchy is forming, often having the most adventurous and daring, who are able to survive their stunts, as leaders in the church.

Bardess |

The Redemptress, Snowflame, the Swan Damsel
CG elven Goddess of free will, paradox, forbidden loves and goals, redeemed villains, and atheists ^^
Domains: Chaos, Fire, Good, Liberation, Water
Subdomains: Agathion, Azata, Freedom, Ice, Paradox, Redemption, Revolution
Sacred animal: Swan
Holy symbol: a snowflake wreathed in flames
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
Allies: the Swandragon
She was my first character and now is a Goddess in my homebrew world, granting powers only to those who think with their own head, and refusing worship. Her duty is to mediate between gods and mortals, keeping watch against divine abuses on defenseless creatures.

Aegys |

My Oracle of Desna in Wrath of the Righteous is planning on taking the Starstone trials after he's finished killing all the Demon Lords in existence (he has some emotional problems with demons...something about being captured and tortured by them as a child). The character also has strong ties to Iomedae (He worshiped Iomedae through his youth, but felt like she abandoned him when he was captured as a child, and renounced her, and eventually found Desna...but Iomedae and him are starting to make up now during the campaign, so we'll see...I was thinking of taking Beyond Morality Path Power and dipping into Paladin Of Iomedae as well as being an Oracle of Desna, could create alot of fun RP).
I'm sure being Mythic Tier 10 by that point in time will help him get around alot of the trials.
He's already taken the Divine Source Path Power, and he's a godling of Redemption and Heroism Domains, so I'm sure his tenure as a god would have to do with those.
Though unlike Sarenrae who's lofty and and self righteous, he'd be more about little people making up for their past wrongs and redeeming themselves through personal feats of heroism and self sacrifice.
Sorta like a Cayden Calen crossed with Sarenrae.

The NPC |

Menas Xarrin
Justice's Husband, The Stalwart and Resolute
LG Human God of Love, Commitment, and Truth
Favored Weapon: Longsword
My Wrath of the Righteous character who would ascend or take the test the of the starstome if Iomadae returns his feelings he has for that he'll realize he has over the course of the adventure.

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Yanos, the Patron Deity of the Shadow Lodge and NonPFS stoogies, also Reach Clerics
LG (though might shift to NG)
Fvored Weapon: Longspear
Domains: Darkness (Moon), Good, Plant (Growth), Protection (Defense), & Trickery (Deception)
After the events of Rivalry's End, Yanos remained on good terms with GMT even if he didn't fully agree with his decision to abandon the SL and it's goals of watching out for each other when the corrupt PFS wouldn't. Working with other members of the Shadow Lodge, Yanos and others who had given so much reorganized it, both working to help less experienced Pathfinders make it back home and make their deeds known, but also to make the Venture Captains (some of them) and Decemvirate appear a the blundering fools they truly are, without causing them physical harm. Along the way, Yans felt the call to arm against the rising of the hellish forces of the Worldwound, and threw in his lot with Taldor. Working with the agents of the Silver Crusade, he focused on mustering forces and inspiring the peoples to take up arms and join the fight. The Test of the Starstone came to him in a divine dream, and he was found worthy.
Thor Odinson, battle, storms, lightning strikes, outdrinking others (particularly CC)
Favored Weapon: Hammers (Earthbreaker/Warhammer)
Domains: Air (Cloud), Chaos (Rage, Revelry), Destruction (Catastrophe), (Leadership), & Weather (Storms)
was already an immortal from the realm eternal, just decided to visit Golarion and do some more cool stuff. Starstone? Uh, sure.

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My S&S Gunslinger from the home game I play in.
Meria Meridoath
Miss fire
CE Goddess of Snipers, War, and Ill-timed Luck,
Domains: Destruction (Torture), Fire (Arson), Luck (Curse), Trickery (Ambush, Deception), War (Tactics)
Favored Weapon: Musket
Holy Symbol: Ship on Fire
Meria Meridoath, or Miss Fire as often called prior to asscension, arose in service to Besmara the Pirate Queen. As a deity, she supports the most terrible sorts of wars on the high seas. She cares little for their reasons, only reveling in the fighting itself. She rewards daredevil antics, clever deceptions, and anything else to accomplish goals.

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Nadur, Master of the Wilting Grove, The Rotting Touch, The Unforgiving Cycle, He Who Burns, The Grand Cultivator.
CN Varisian Nature God
Domains: Plant (Decay and Growth), Weather (Seasons), Destruction (Catastrophe), Fire (Ash and Smoke), Travel
Fav. Weapon: Bladed Scarf
Holy Symbol: An elk skull entwined in a thorny vine.
Herald: Crann Ársa, Treant (Blight Druid 10) Who appears half scorched and hollow. Known for carrying around several swarms within his hollowed Trunk
Nadur has an often darker interpretation of the cycle of life then other Nature Dieties. In order for new life to prosper and flourish other life must die and decay. Animals eat flora and fauna. Plants grow best in the nurturance left from the decay of past life or the waste products of animals who have consumed life. Nadur teaches that if a grove becomes too overgrown that life could choke itself out and ultimately damage the natural cycle. It is in this spirit that Nadur teaches his followers to prune the wilds. Nadur teaches that burning down an overgrown forest will lead to new growth which taxes the lands less while supplementing the nutrients already in the soil. Nadur requires his followers to not only burn away the old growth but to help cultivate the new growth.
Having been a Pathfinder before his ascension to divinity, Nadur is a strong believer that traveling is an important part of life as it allows people to see different ecosystems and to understand how they interact with eachother. Nadur has a strong hatred of all things not natural to Golarion. Followers are strongly encouraged to hunt outsiders, aberrations, and undead when not attending to the pruning and cultivation of the different lands they travel through.

MiniGM |

Marlowe the Detectimist
Favored weapon Light Crossbow
Domains : fire, knowledge, disguise, community
Subdomains : trickery, memory, thought, cooperation, smoke
Holy symbol: flaming book
A pathfinder before ascension Marlowe was always a bit of a jack of all trades. Always ready to fill whatever roll was needed, whether it be gathering intelligence, stealth, or just blowing things up in flame and smoke. He would find himself the patron of those that are unable to focus on just one thing. The perfect deity for the multi-class character!
when he finishes pfs he will be alchemist (grenadier 5)/bard (detective) 4/ sleepless detective 3

alchemicGenius |

Yuki Hanako, Shining Star of Elysium, Blossoming Lily of Fate's Favor
CG Goddess of Impossible Causes, Hope, Camaraderie, and Magical Girls
Favored Weapon: Bardiche
Domains: Chaos, Good, Charm, Luck, and Darkness (replaces Summon Monster V with shadow evocation to remain alignment friendly)
Subdomains: Whimsy, Love, Night, Azata, Fate
Holy Symbol: A white lily flower
In her mortal life, Yuki was a hungerseed tiefling born to a family of demonologers who studied summoning to better understand how fiendish summoning rituals work, and how to best counter and deal with such evil outsiders. She grew up in Nex, but was kidnapped in her youth by gnolls and sold into slavery to a rich family in Cheliax. After being rescued by Desnan priests, Yuki swore her life to the song of spheres, travelling the world to purge it of evil that preys on the fears and suffering of mortals, and strove to make the world a better place.
Her infernal heritage, she found, was not an obstacle to being good, but rather found it a hidden blessing, as her intimate knowledge of how evil thinks gave her an edge in foiling it's plans. She took the vices that many oni spawn fall to and twisted them into more virtuous forms. Rather than being a bully and falling to worldly pleasures, she beat down evil and showed to the common folk how easy it is to defeat when friends work together and spread revelry and cheer where she went.
Yuki styled herself as a magical girl, and often performed feats and defeated enemies and challenges that seemed impossible. When faced with a dragon, she sent a prayer to the heavens for strength, charged at the beast, and wrestled it into submission. She stared down mobs of vile abominations, bardiche in hand, slicing down scores of enemies alongside her companions, all to prove to the commoners that as long as good people stand together, no evil is impossible to face, and encouraged the weak to band together to destroy the cruel shadows that dare prey on their fears and encroach on Desna's sacred night.
Her bravery did not come without danger, however, and she paid much in her crusade. During her adventures, a powerful necromancer laid a powerful spell upon her, forever and irreparably damaging her sight. Desna's intervention saved a small amount of it, but the spell's scar lingered even past this intervention. Yuki decided to take the test of Starstone as a means to further her cause to bring good to the world.
As she went through the trials, she realized what she wanted to be. She would be the bastion that shielded every good hearted champion fighting a seemingly hopeless battle, a rallying call to the masses to bring about change, and the string of fate that leads and binds true lovers and friends together.

Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

The Forbidden Guardian
Goddess of disciplined battle, knowledge, and magic
Alignment LN
Favored Weapon double bladed sword
Domains Law, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, War
Subdomains Arcane, Judgment, Loyalty, Memory, Tactician, Wards
Race/Nationality humanoid cerberus
Holy Symbol four hands bearing a sword, a glyph, a tome, and a key
Born as result of catastrophe, Remsia upholds the practice of war and magic as dangerous yet valuable tools requiring disciplined ethics and skill. A fierce warrior mage in life, Remsia is a multifaceted goddess that encourages mortals to broaden their knowledge on as many subjects as possible. However, such knowledge carries the burden of using it responsibly, and those that abuse it will bring misfortune to themselves and those around them. As a result, many spellcasters blame the goddess when their mad experiments unexpectedly go awry. A minority of mortals that know of Remsia attribute the sudden discovery of a magical weapon or enlightening text as signs of her favor.
Befitting her multiple fields of study, Remsia appears as an exotic humanoid dog with three heads and four arms, her appearance coming as result of her unusual birth. Long ago, three adventuring spellcasters discovered the private library of a mysterious arcane master known only as the Librarian. Using arcane texts far beyond their comprehension, the casters botched a ritual meant to conjure a guardian hound into being. Instead, the ritual claimed their lives and used their flesh to forge a vessel for the newly born Remsia. Though Remsia had no memory of events prior to her creation, her three canine faces bare some resemblance to the three foolish casters. After learning the nature of the library and fate of her mothers, Remsia dedicated her life to protecting the Librarian's tomes, gradually learning the art of the blade and arcane. Many exploits of her mortal life involved hunting down intruders that stole texts unfit for mortal eyes and stopping their rituals before they bring nations to ruin.
Legends say Remsia makes the forbidden library her domain, continuing her duties despite her ascension. Like a faithful dog, Remsia guards tomes of ancient knowledge, hopeful the Librarian will return from his mysterious disappearance. She does not reveal the location of her library even to her most devout followers. However, members of her clergy claim the Forbidden Guardian gave them limited access within their dreams.