Can you get more than Two Prestige per Scenario?

Pathfinder Society


I'm under the impression that you can't get more than two prestige per scenario. One for the primary objective, one for the secondary objective.

I ask because the fame and item purchase table goes all the way to 99 fame. If there is a limit of 2 prestige per experience point, there isn't a way to get to 99 fame.

Does that mean there are some ways to get more prestige than two per scenario?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Play can extend past level 11 with sanctioned modules, so you can get there eventually.

5/5 5/55/55/5

The Fangwood Keep boon +slow progression might do it, depending on how you read it

Grand Lodge 4/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
The Fangwood Keep boon +slow progression might do it, depending on how you read it

That only gets you prestige, not the fame to go with it, which was the real point of the OP's question.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

There is a boon (that costs 15pp) that allows you to earn 1 extra Prestige Point at the end of a scenario in place of making a Day Job check. It does not increase your Fame score, however, and your amount of Prestige can never exceed your Fame, either.

(but I guess that's off-topic, the more I think about it)

By level 12 you can have a maximum of 66 Prestige (33xp, 2pp/scenario). After Eyes of the Ten, you may have as much as 76. Do six more modules, and you'll have 100. Finish with Race for the Runecarved Key, and you could potentially end your career with 102 Fame.

But good luck doing it. Some Secondary Success conditions are tough.

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