what stats are supposed to be "good" at the end of the AP?

Wrath of the Righteous

So, having not really experimented with the Mythic rules in any actual gameI have discovered that I have no way to measure how high a character's attack rolls should be, nor how high their damage in this game. By the endgame of 20th/10th, what is considered good? A character with good saves int he 40s and low saves in the high 20s? Attacking for: +42/42/42? Damage of 1d8+57? I know the numbers, but not how to determine what the numbers will let me do. Any advice for how to meausure a character's effectiveness?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Gwyrdallan wrote:
So, having not really experimented with the Mythic rules in any actual gameI have discovered that I have no way to measure how high a character's attack rolls should be, nor how high their damage in this game. By the endgame of 20th/10th, what is considered good? A character with good saves int he 40s and low saves in the high 20s? Attacking for: +42/42/42? Damage of 1d8+57? I know the numbers, but not how to determine what the numbers will let me do. Any advice for how to meausure a character's effectiveness?

I don't have any numbers to share, but my advice would be to build some sample characters and see what you end up with.

Make an iconic party (Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, & Cleric) using whatever character generation rules you'd normally use (such as 15 point buy, etc.) and start leveling them according to the advancement track summary in each chapter. Scan through the section and award them any loot that character type find pick up along the way. This is a vey organic approach to analyzing what a typical party might be capable of at any given point along the course of th AP. I'd use Hero Lab, just because it would take most of the work out of the stat block generation and allow you focus on the decision points for leveling and focus on capability assessment while having confidence in your stats being mostly right.


Grand Lodge

Mythic throws things out for my calculations - what is good for a base game level 20 character would be a bit pale compared to a lower level (say 14-16th level) character but with 10 mythic levels on top.

Max out the possible BAB - if the character is within 3 of that either way then they are fine (a margin of error of 6 allowing for variables such as stat adjustments).

Add 5 for magic weapons.

Don't factor in weapon training class feature, or weapon specialization etc. These are gravy.

Spell DCs? Say spell stat of 24, so DC18 for level 1 spells and up from there + / - 2 for attribute adjustments as well as feats etc

Skills should be easy enough - figure a skill range of + 22-25 for a focused character. Most characters would not put a point in a skill every level. Past a certain point there is diminishing returns and need for that level of focus.

Thats my feel.

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