Deep Platinum Amulet

Skull & Shackles

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Has anyone done anything with the deep platinum amulets from Raiders of the Fever Sea?

Instead of having the PCs find the first piece of deep platinum as treasure, I had it mysteriously appear in the rogue's possessions. Now one of my players is convinced that the deep platinum amulet they find later is a phylactery or horcrux of some sort. I'd like to expand on this if I can, but I'm not sure how to tie it back to the main plot of the AP.

Scarab Sages

My players haven't encountered one yet, so my ideas are purely hypothetical.

Now that the Alchemy Manual has brought back alchemical power reagents, you could rule that deep platinum enhances water-based spells somehow. Maybe it provides +1 damage per die, raises the DC by 1, or raises the caster level by 1.

Standard alchemical power reagents are consumed when used to enhance spells. If you want the PCs to still have the amulet when the sahuagin return for it, you could say that each amulet can only be used to enhance a spell once, but it's not consumed in the process.

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I have had a few notable Sahaugin wearing them. I then had a crown worn by Krellort act as a focus which allowed messages to be sent between the wearer of the crown and the necklace wearers.

This really helped my party since they are on multiple ships. I ruled that it did not take their "neck" slot.

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Our captain, an undine, has a great hatred of Sahaugin, so we've acquired a great deal of deep platinum. We've designed some custom deep platinum magic items with deep sea themes. I had my two swords alchemically bonded with deep platinum to give them an on hit and on crit sea sickness like effect. The captain, a cleric and devout follower of Besmara, is going to have an enormous deep platinum plated statue of Besmara erected at our island in front of our cliff fort base. Our GM let us be creative with how we used it.

I made the mistake of asking the affected player to roll his save for the resonant one. Got the players convinced OOC that deep platinum is cursed and they fobbed it all off in Quent.

Grand Lodge

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One of my players has started collecting all the deep platinum he can find so he can wear it. He's started getting mysterious sea-based powers that he isn't questioning very much.

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