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Breathe, OK I can do this.
Reading though all the posts and threads on the PFO forums I've come to realize how cluttered everything is. Recruitment posts, discussions about blog content, crowd forging and even people who just enjoy talking about how much they're looking forward to the game.
As PFO goes into Alpha, then Early Enrollment it will only get worse so I was wondering if it's time to add some sub forums?
I know that our beloved goblins are planning on eventually moving everything to a site dedicated to PFO and they probably have a lot of other ideas in the works. But for now would it be an idea to get a few sub forums so that people's recruitment threads and such do not get drowned out so quickly?
What do you think?
Please don't hurt me!

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What do you think?
Please don't hurt me!
I agree.
My first thought on the subject was, "You mean like it has been for a bit?"
I'm with you that we do not know the details of what moving this forum to the dedicated GoblinWorks version will entail or when it will occur. But, if it would not increase the difficulty exponentially (multiplicatively is to be expected) then it is a fine idea to start sorting the threads into sub-categories.

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It's been suggested multiple times in the past. I believe they're not going to do it until GW hosts the forums themselves. I'll leave it to someone else *coughNihimoncough* to quote up something.
I probably wouldn't cough up anything more than what you've already said. It would only be interesting if they'd previously given some hints as to what kind of conditions would prompt the roll-out of the new forums, and I don't recall anything specific.
Oh, who am I kidding...
For now it makes way more sense to keep the forums on Paizo.com. The traffic exposure we get is unbelievably valuable. We'd be spending thousands a month to get the kind of traffic we get just from the curious overflow from the rest of the forum system.
Everything else is just marketing and we aren't selling anything right now. When we get the capability to do our own pledging system, we'll be thinking about investing in static web content to support that. For now, there's little upside to adding much to the goblinworks.com infrastructure.

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It is only 3 months away until possible EE launch. It can wait. Besides, when a game launches, only about 10% of the player base actually visits the forums. My prediction, for when PFO launches its OE, this place or one like it will have three things... News about patches, Fanbois and Trolls. Most everyone else will be on their own forums and RSS Feed any game news directly to them.