ohako |
So, I'm liking my 'so-old-it's-new' Snake Style/Stunning Fist/Medusa's Wrath monk/duelist business, and I wanted to get a clear picture of the Snake Style tree.
Plainly put: when is the best time to use each of the different immediate actions in Snake Style?
Action 1: Use a Sense Motive check instead of AC or touch AC
Action 2: Take a 5-foot step if you land a critical hit
Action 3: Punch an attacker twice instead of once if they miss
So, action 2 is a clear outlier: you're just not going to get crits very often with an unarmed strike. (unless I'm missing something: is there a way to boost your crit range with an unarmed strike past 19?) Also, can you even take an immediate action on your own turn? If you can, then this might be useful if your crit-victim just dropped, and you wanted to 5-foot step to a new target. If not, then you'd only be able to use it when you critted on an AoO...maybe move into a better flank position, or play keep-a-little-away?
The main choice is between 1 and 3: do I boost my AC for one attack, or do I take an extra punch if they miss? You have to choose before they roll, so...you sorta need to know your chances: will I get hit or not?
Does that about sum it up? Am I missing anything with Snake Style?
I guess the same question applies when deciding to use Stunning Fist: do I try on my turn to stun, and hope my target gets no action, or do I try on their turn (with a Snake Fang AoO or similar), and hope I can drop him with the two extra attacks from Medusa's Wrath?

Moondragon Starshadow |

So, I'm liking my 'so-old-it's-new' Snake Style/Stunning Fist/Medusa's Wrath monk/duelist business, and I wanted to get a clear picture of the Snake Style tree.
Plainly put: when is the best time to use each of the different immediate actions in Snake Style?
Action 1: Use a Sense Motive check instead of AC or touch AC
Action 2: Take a 5-foot step if you land a critical hit
Action 3: Punch an attacker twice instead of once if they missSo, action 2 is a clear outlier: you're just not going to get crits very often with an unarmed strike. (unless I'm missing something: is there a way to boost your crit range with an unarmed strike past 19?) Also, can you even take an immediate action on your own turn? If you can, then this might be useful if your crit-victim just dropped, and you wanted to 5-foot step to a new target. If not, then you'd only be able to use it when you critted on an AoO...maybe move into a better flank position, or play keep-a-little-away?
The main choice is between 1 and 3: do I boost my AC for one attack, or do I take an extra punch if they miss? You have to choose before they roll, so...you sorta need to know your chances: will I get hit or not?
Does that about sum it up? Am I missing anything with Snake Style?
I guess the same question applies when deciding to use Stunning Fist: do I try on my turn to stun, and hope my target gets no action, or do I try on their turn (with a Snake Fang AoO or similar), and hope I can drop him with the two extra attacks from Medusa's Wrath?
I have a flowing monk and I'd say it usually depends on a couple of things:
First, what is your "normal AC"? So, let's say you have a pretty good regular AC from some magic items and most stuff misses, then clearly you want to skip #1 and save it for #3. However, if your normal AC is merely okay, and you get flanked, or someone is charging you, or is going to hit you with something really painful, then clearly use option #1.