Readied disarm action interrupting an attack: standard action retained?

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Howdy rules lawyers,

The situation: Fighter 1 and fighter 2 are dueling with longswords.

order of events:

1) Fighter 1 readies an action on his initiative to disarm fighter 2 when fighter 2 attacks.
2) Fighter 2 attacks as a standard action, triggering the readied action.
3) Fighter 1 rolls his disarm combat maneuver (has improved disarm so no AoO), disarm is successful.
4) Fighter 2 loses his sword, and his attack action is cancelled.

Question: Does Fighter 2 still have a standard action available as well as a move, or just a move?

Opinion: I lean towards fighter 2 losing his standard action (it was spent on the attack that got interrupted). This is for a player in a game I'm GMing so I want to be fair.

Thanks for any help.

Fighter two is locked into his declaired action. He has two choices continue with the acrion or abort it. The only way he coukd continue an attack with a weapon is quick draw.

So he attacks or aborts but always looses his action.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Fighter 2 could still attack in some other way, like by punching.

It appears to me that fighter 2 can continue his standard action attack after being disarmed by a readied combat maneuver "assuming he is still capable of doing so." This could be via an unarmed strike or by quick drawing another weapon as Mojorat said. I don't think he always loses his action, but it is likely he will. He would still get his move action, though.

If I wasn't clear he is forced to either attack or sbort the attack. He can't just say I'm doing sonething else with my standard.

Grand Lodge

Fighter 2 does not have quick draw. If fighter 2 spends his move action to draw a backup sword, can he make an attack this round?

Fighter 2 has Improved Unarmed Strike. Can fighter 2 continue his attack after being disarmed by making an unarmed strike instead?

Red Ramage wrote:

Fighter 2 does not have quick draw. If fighter 2 spends his move action to draw a backup sword, can he make an attack this round?

Fighter 2 has Improved Unarmed Strike. Can fighter 2 continue his attack after being disarmed by making an unarmed strike instead?

1. Not with the backup sword.

2. Yes. He can do it without Improved Unarmed Strike, but of course he'll draw an attack of opportunity.

Scarab Sages

Of course, any other attacks are contingent on Fighter 2 having at least a BAB of +6. Otherwise, he's done.

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