Captain Fremont |

So does it actually take a standard action to activate the Oracle of Ancestor's Spirt of the Warrior Ability?
Spirit of the Warrior (Su): You can summon the spirit of a great warrior ancestor and allow it to possess you, becoming a mighty warrior yourself. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus to AC. Your base attack bonus while possessed equals your oracle level (which may give you additional attacks), and you gain the Improved Critical feat with a weapon of your choice. You can use this ability for 1 round for every 2 oracle levels you possess. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-round increments. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.

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Well, when you consider that if you can't take it until level 11. At level 12, if you consider you'll be using 2 rounds of usage per activation to get a move + activate and then a full round of attacks, you're getting 3 uses per day. That just about falls in line with some of the other level 11 revelations from other mysteries.

Captain Fremont |

A lot of spells give you a minute or round per caster level as opposed to a round per two levels of oracle. Seems like it would work better as a move action when you compare it to some of the other oracle abilities granted by the Oracle of Ancestors.
Although I would have to agree with you Mort that it seems like that entire round would basically be dedicated to buffing with how it is now.
Edit: I see your point Biddaddyjug.