New Checkout Process

Website Feedback

Liberty's Edge

I find it extremely counterintuitive that the new checkout process skips selecting a shipment method altogether and defaults to USPS. I keep having to remember to go back and pick my preferred shipment method. IMO, that step should not be skipped and force the user to go back at all. Further, the default should be choosable (only very rarely will I need something shipped so urgently it cannot wait until the next subscription shipment, so defaulting to the USPS means extra clicks and a chance to get it wrong, rather than making my life easier).

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

I think adding some sort of "remember these options so you stop asking me" is a pretty reasonable thing to do. When we get a chance we'll also take another look at how the shipping method step is activated and default values set, maybe there's something else we can do to make it easier to get through.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks. Given the work I see done on this web site, I'm sure you can come up with a solution.

Yes. I was taken by surprise just the other day when I ordered something, was expecting to be able to chose to have it ship with my subscription, and then suddenly it saying I've ordered and checked out and its on its way for $10 shipping. Luckily, it is the Ultimate Psionics book and I am excited to have it come early, but I did considered emailing customer service to try and get the order delivery changed.

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