Tiefling Starting Ages

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Okay, are Tieflings really not reaching adulthood until 60?

There seems to be some conflicting sources, but this doesn't seem quite right.

Especially Tiefling borne of Humans.

What's the real RAW on this?

The ARG is wrong. The question was answered for Aasimars during the last week. The starting ages are almost the same for Tieflings and Humans and the next printing of the ARG will hopefully have the correct numbers.

Grand Lodge

Level 1 Commoner wrote:
The ARG is wrong. The question was answered for Aasimars during the last week. The starting ages are almost the same for Tieflings and Humans and the next printing of the ARG will hopefully have the correct numbers.

Where can I find those?

Is it a FAQ?

Grand Lodge

Seriously, where was this answered?

Was it a Dev post?

Has this been updated for PFS?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Seriously, where was this answered?

Was it a Dev post?

Has this been updated for PFS?

I think this is what he was talking about


JJ answered it in a thread asking for Dev opinion about this very subject last week.

Grand Lodge

So, I can use the normal starting ages for Tieflings, that are in every other book with them, but the Advanced Race Guide?

I am not happy about starting out at 60, and being considered a young adult.

Sort of goes against the whole "age as human" thing.

I was referring to this thread:


When I first read it, I didn't realise that it has been revived twice over the last 4 years.

Actually this matter has been a running gag in our group since we started playing PF. Everybody had a short but exciting life full of strife and peril. And then there was the Aasimar Paladin, who was rotting away in a backwater Erastil temple for the 30 years of his adolescence as an Adept 1 (until his life went to hell and he had grow up finally).

Grand Lodge


Missed it.

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