Level 6 samurai with 2WF and I2WF to-hit bonuses >

Rules Questions

Hello all,

Apologies for re-hashing the same old 2WF question again but just wanted to check with you my logic is sound:

Level 6 Samurai (Sword Saint). 20 Str with Wakizashis both hands and Weapon Focus (Waki). Has 2WF and I2WF. Is this correct:

Attack 1: primary hand (first base attack up to lvl 5)

Attack 2: off hand (2WF)

Attack 3: primary hand (extra base attack at level 6)

Attack 4: off hand (I2WF)

Looking forward to hearing your agreements or clarifications.

All the best. Hex

Here's all the relevant from your post that affects the attack bonus:

Level 6 = BAB 6
20 Str = +5
WFocus = +1
TWF (light weapon offhand) = -2/-2


Unless you're counting something that you didn't mention in your post, your numbers are off by one.

ZanThrax wrote:

Here's all the relevant from your post that affects the attack bonus:

Level 6 = BAB 6
20 Str = +5
WFocus = +1
TWF (light weapon offhand) = -2/-2


Unless you're counting something that you didn't mention in your post, your numbers are off by one.

Yeah, sorry Zan. The Wakis are Masterwork...oops, forgot to mention. Trust that returns the iteratives to those I had in my post originally (ie. +11/+11/+6/+6).

Speak again soon.

Yeah, masterwork makes your original numbers correct.

ZanThrax wrote:
Yeah, masterwork makes your original numbers correct.

Cheers mate, thanks for you help Zan.

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