Monkeying Around - Need some Cheese for a Monkey Spellslinger


Silver Crusade

So after a bit of weirdness (not all on my own part), my tiefling musketer master in my home Skull and Shackles game has acquired a monkey cohort, awakened, that I will be statting out as a Spellslinger. I have some ideas on how to build it, but I'm slightly concerned on survivability right now and would appreciate any advice.

Role wise, I plan for the monkey to help fill the arcane caster spot in the group but in a utility role. While yes Wizard alone would probably cover it better, the spellslinger aspect is for flavor (I'll add that below in a spoiler).

The moneky will get the following stat adjustments, and will be using 15 point buy: -8 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con, +0 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Cha.

Approximate level will be 7-9th to start.

It will only begin with the base spells known, I'll have to add the rest. Also it's starting gun for spellslinger. No other gear (I'll have to purchase or find anything I want to give it).

Schools: I know I want to keep Transmutation. Evocation is kind of a given for this, I believe. Probably Conjuration and Necromancy as my last two, leaving Divination, Enchantment, Illusion and Abjuration as opposed schools. I'll probably free up one of them at level 9 with Opposition Research.

Feats: The only one I know for sure is Toughness for the hit points.

So any advice?

Why a monkey (S&S Spoilers):

So why a monkey? Well, my tiefling has been played out as being somewhat jealous of other character's companions for awhile now. I became jealous of someone's parrot and tried to take that as a pet. I've acquired a sahuagin egg and locathah egg, which I'm in the process of hatching. I tried calling dibs on a manticore to train as a mount, but it died hitting our deck when I brought it out of the air (resulting in it becoming an undead minion of our cleric of hanspur). I tried claiming one of the cleric's undead minions, but that didn't work of course. All in all, it's kind of a joke.

The one pet I have acquired is Fipps, one of the people that attacks you early. He managed to survive, and him and my character have some bad blood (after he caught me robbing the quartermaster and managed to convince enough people it was him to get him beaten for it, which was in retaliation for him trying to kill us). So when we mutinied, I wouldn't let him join us. Instead we've kept him locked in the bilge manacled, with handwaved 'bad things' being done to him by my character.

Fast forward to the island you get for the party with the pirate council. We were clearing it when we encounter some crazy wizard with a monkey familiar. The wizard was subdued fairly quickly, and brought onboard our ship. But I managed to wrestle the moneky before he escaped. So since then my character's gotten it into her head to make this monkey her friend.

Speaking with the DM, the monkey is already a little unstable from being the crazy wizard's familiar. Also it has a little talent for magic for the same reason. So I'm paying to have it Awakened (and getting points with the Master of Gales in the process, long story there). It's going to get tutored in magic, and with it's former life the DM says it'll go quickly. Plus I'm training it to use a gun.

There's quite a bit more to the story, but this is the basic idea of things.

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