Summon Nature's Ally tables - Tian Xia flavor

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I'm going to be working up a new Wrath of the Righteous character to replace my Samsaran Bloodrager who died last night. She has been reincarnated with the memories of her very first life ... as an Alchemist (Preservationist).

Was wondering if anyone knows of any Summon Nature's Ally tables that have been worked up with a Tian Xia flavor or what might be some good creatures to replace in the existing table.

Thanks in advance and sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong location.

Liberty's Edge

Uh...the normal list seems solid for Tian Xia flavor, actually. I mean, you can summon horses, giant centipedes, tigers, elementals, monitor lizards, giant scorpions, etc.

It's not limited to Tian Xia flavor...but it's not really limited to any one flavor. Just keep to thematic stuff for the most part and you should be good.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Uh...the normal list seems solid for Tian Xia flavor, actually. I mean, you can summon horses, giant centipedes, tigers, elementals, monitor lizards, giant scorpions, etc.

It's not limited to Tian Xia flavor...but it's not really limited to any one flavor. Just keep to thematic stuff for the most part and you should be good.

Thanks, I'll give the tables another go-over and see about limiting my selections rather than looking for something completely new.

I'd think that adding some kami to the list in place of some of the fey would be one thing to do (I'm looking at the mite and pixie). Maybe some oni instead of giants (although oni are- IIRC- more powerful than giants, so you'd have to be selective.)

First your character has to have a deck of cards with the creature pictures on them...

Or your guy needs to have these little orbs that he throws to the ground to summon her monsters.

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