Lookit! I made a thingy! (For craft focused characters)

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I found myself needing the thing so I made it, then I thought I might as well share it if anyone else can use it. Wasn't sure where to share it though so I'm posting here.

Crafting Skill Sheet!

GreatEscapist wrote:

I found myself needing the thing so I made it, then I thought I might as well share it if anyone else can use it. Wasn't sure where to share it though so I'm posting here.

Crafting Skill Sheet!

You're right, VERY craft focused characters, but nice if needed.

GreatEscapist wrote:
Crafting Skill Sheet!


One note:

Sheet wrote:
Item Creation Feats are all rolled on Spellcraft unless a suitable other Craft or Profession (using Wisdom in place of Intelligence) check can be made according to PFS material...

I think you mean to say "according to the item crafting descriptions in the magic item chapter or other Pathfinder material". PFS doesn't allow crafting (except for alchemists).

Yes I did mean to say that! Twas a flub. thanks Majuba :) Fixed.

And yeah GreyWolfLord, I made the Dwarf Cleric crafting archetype and he's going to probably put points in everything. He was only conceived because our group dug in somewhere and apparently we're building a town so we need mundane crafts as well as magical.

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