fictionfan |

My current thinking is that spells can only do so much damage. Even if I prepared all blast spell and blast scrolls I still have a max amount of damage.
However the Ranger and fighters in my group can likely kill between 3-4 Wyvern's a round when they remain in range. If I cast greater invisibility on all of them that is 13 rounds that makes 39-52 dead Wyverns then we retreat rest up and do it again. Any other spells I should cast and do Wyvern's have some way of fighting though invisibility.

Unlighted |
1. Find a cave with a single entrance barely big enough for a single Wyvern to fit through. A couple of Wall of Stone Spells could create a man made fighting area if a cave can't be found.
2. Lure Wyverns to location.
3. Fire at Wyverns at long range with ranger and bow fighter.
4. Ranger and bow fighter retreat towards rear of cave when the Wyverns get close. Polearm fighter delays the single Wyvern in close combat while buffed and healed by wizard and cleric. Ranger and fighter continue making pin cushions from back of cave.
Abundant Ammunition and Greater Magic Weapon on the quivers of your archers to ensure you don't run out of enhanced arrows in the middle of the fight. Also things like Antitoxin vials to help protect against the Wyvern poison would be a good idea for everyone as well.
You didn't give much info about why you're fighting 100 Wyverns, but assuming they're dedicated to killing you this strategy will make mincemeat out of them.

Cheburn |

My current thinking is that spells can only do so much damage. Even if I prepared all blast spell and blast scrolls I still have a max amount of damage.
However the Ranger and fighters in my group can likely kill between 3-4 Wyvern's a round when they remain in range. If I cast greater invisibility on all of them that is 13 rounds that makes 39-52 dead Wyverns then we retreat rest up and do it again. Any other spells I should cast and do Wyvern's have some way of fighting though invisibility.
Wyverns have the Scent ability. So they can pinpoint your square even if invisible. After that, you're basically fighting with total concealment (50% miss chance). They may also be able to see where your arrows are coming from -- not sure of the ruling on that one.
Also, is there any reason they won't just fly past you guys and proceed to destroy the kingdom you're protecting?

aboniks |

The more I think about the situation as presented, the less sense it makes.
Wyverns are supposed to be territorial. Like fight-to-the-death territorial. An army of them is bizarre.
Who/what is leading this army?
I wouldn't back yourselves into a cave, I think. Unless the wyverns in question are suffering from some sort of brain damage or a compulsion, a 12 Wisdom is more than sufficient to let them realize that lining up to be murdered one by one is a poor survival strategy. Plus, after you kill the first one and the cave is blocked by the corpse, the other 99 can go attack the kingdom.

fictionfan |

Yes it does not make sense, but I heard that in Kingmaker at some point around level 13 there is an attack by a army of Wyverns. I don't know the details of why there is such an attack or how anyone could ever get an army of Wyverns together. Expect for alot of dominate monster of I'm guessing it's aboleths.
You can always blame anything on aboleths.

aboniks |

Ah. Well, easy answer then. Kill the Aboleth. They wyverns will bugger off on their own.

fictionfan |

Well I don't know where these hypothetical Aboleths might be. But that does make me think of another idea cast Magic Circle against Evil on someone who then flys though the wyverns some of them should make their saves to resist the domination. Then cast more Magic Circle against Evil on other wyverns.

aboniks |

Still does not answer the question of how an army of wyverns got together.

Tangaroa |

Raise an army of your own.
Alternatively, prepare (or create scrolls of) at least a dozen summon monster VII and 20 invisibilities.
Have the wizard and clerics invisibly go to the outskirts of the army.
Summon 4 vrock, turn them invisible. Have them fly to the center of the camp.
Turn on music, have them do a little dance for 4 rounds... boom, 20d6 electricity (dance of ruin). If any Vrocks survive, have them go invisible again.
Rinse, repeat.
... or just raise an army.