Whatever happened to Throne of Night?

Product Discussion

Whatever happened to Throne of Night from Fire Mountain Games? Weren't they supposed to come out with a half-a-dozen part adventure path, one a month or so?

Silver Crusade

Guang wrote:

Whatever happened to Throne of Night from Fire Mountain Games? Weren't they supposed to come out with a half-a-dozen part adventure path, one a month or so?

Fire Mountain has unfortunately been slow with actually releasing the supplements and has been uncommunicative as to why. If you check Kickstarter, Gary posted an update earlier this month stating that the second installment will be released by the end of March. I have every confidence that he will release the entire path, just nowhere near the timeline he initially stated. While there are quite a few folks on the board who feel very passionate about this subject, I would still recommend you check out Throne of Night and the first path he put out, Way of the Wicked. Both are well written and designed.

Thanks. Sounds like a year and a half would be a good estimate for completion of the whole path.

Welcome to the world of publishing where release dates are rarely accurate :)

I really really want to start this path, but I'm concerned the rest won't come out. Are we going to see the rest?

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No one knows.
Best case scenario, one day, with no warning, Gary will announce that it is 100% done.

No one knows.

Gary's first adventure Path, Way of the Wicked, is available in full and is excellent. It came out (good grief) almost four years ago but is still in regular rotation on the PBP forums and still generates discussion all the time. Partly this is because it's the only complete AP for evil characters (at least until Paizo releases Hell's Vengeance next year), but partly it's because it's just a really well-crafted AP.

But Throne of Night? Who knows.

Doug M.

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