Buying nonstandard poisons

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Now that we've established that all poisons can exist in any delivery vector, is there anything preventing me from buying, say, several doses of inhaled purple worm poison?

Nothing mechanical, that I can think of.

Otherwise...availability? Unless poison is a easy to come by, and a master poisoner is creating them in variant forms for sale, they'd probably be few and far between. Time for a new loot table, perhaps.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
aboniks wrote:

Nothing mechanically that I can think of.

Otherwise...Availability? Unless poison is a easy to come by, and a master poisoner is creating them for sale, they'd probably be few and faw between. Time for a new loot table, perhaps.

I can't imagine it would be any rarer than magical items (75% chance of finding them in an appropriately sized community).

Ravingdork wrote:
I can't imagine it would be any rarer than magical items (75% chance of finding them in an appropriately sized community).

Maybe so. It just seems like something that would be harder to find than normal poisons, since there's a higher barrier for producing them than for producing normal forms of poisons.

The ubiquity of magical items already implies that there are a bunch of retired PC's in the world with Craft FOO feats, now leading a pleasant life selling death-widgets to bright young things. I guess retired master poisoners doing the same thing isn't much of a stretch.

That said though, the number of classes that have access to crafting magical widgets is significantly larger than the number of classes that can alter poison types. So there should be fewer retired poisoners, comparatively speaking.

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