Can the Hierloom Weapon trait be used to qualify for Dervish Dance in PF Society?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

As the title says. Can you use Heirloom Weapon with a Scimitar to be able to qualify for Dervish Dance in PF society? If somebody could answer this for me I would be grateful

Its a rules question, not a pfs question.

I'm inclining towards no. I would be very, very wary about building your entire character on that foundation of sand.

What are you trying to build that wouldn't get scimitar proficiency? Perhaps you can dip?

Dark Archive

Looks like it would work for me, if you are going with a class that doesn't grant martial weapon proficiency. Might be good on a rogue. You will still need Weapon Finesse and 2 ranks in Perform Dance, so it wouldn't be any earlier than 3rd level. If you want to pull some retraining cheese, you could probably do at 2nd.

Shadow Lodge

In the same way that being an Aasimar that can cast daylight once counts as being able to cast third level arcane spells, I would say that being able to proficiently use a single scimitar counts as being proficient for the sake of taking a feat, but it would only work with the Heirloom Scimitar.

As far as what would not get scimitar proficiency, an Oracle of Sarenrae comes to mind.

BNW is right, this is a general rules question, not PFS specific.

He's also right on the answer, you do not become proficient with scimitar. You can wield that one specific weapon that uncle Dave gave you, as if you were proficient. Any other version of the weapon you are still not proficient with.

Liberty's Edge

Dylos wrote:

In the same way that being an Aasimar that can cast daylight once counts as being able to cast third level arcane spells, I would say that being able to proficiently use a single scimitar counts as being proficient for the sake of taking a feat, but it would only work with the Heirloom Scimitar.

As far as what would not get scimitar proficiency, an Oracle of Sarenrae comes to mind.

Not an oracle - a cleric. An oracle does not gain weapon proficiency based on her deity. But a battle oracle can gain martial weapon and heavy armor proficiency through a revelation.

Shadow Lodge

Theconiel wrote:
Dylos wrote:

In the same way that being an Aasimar that can cast daylight once counts as being able to cast third level arcane spells, I would say that being able to proficiently use a single scimitar counts as being proficient for the sake of taking a feat, but it would only work with the Heirloom Scimitar.

As far as what would not get scimitar proficiency, an Oracle of Sarenrae comes to mind.

Not an oracle - a cleric. An oracle does not gain weapon proficiency based on her deity. But a battle oracle can gain martial weapon and heavy armor proficiency through a revelation.

Which is why I mentioned that the Oracle would not have proficiency.

But back to the question, here is how I can see it:
The feat requires proficient with Scimitar, and you are proficient with a single scimitar.
Eldritch Knight requires the ability to cast third level arcane spells, a default Aasimar can cast a single third level spell once per day.

If the second character can qualify for Eldritch Knight (hint, they can) why could the first not qualify for Dervish Dance.

isn't heirloom weapon a banned trait?

Silver Crusade

I am loathe to answer this question until I can get home and read the exact wording of the feat in my ISWG. If the requirement is "proficient with scimitars" I would say no. If it is "proficient with scimitar" I would say yes. Just don't ever lose that scimitar.

CigarPete wrote:
Might be good on a rogue.

As a suggestion that would actually work, a rogue with the Swashbuckler archetype can have proficiency with the scimitar.


hmm, i could not find it banned on any listing, anyone know the source which the trait comes from?

Shadow Lodge

It is not banned and it comes from adventurers armory.

And bigdaddyjug, even if it is plural, Eldritch Knight's requirement is plural and a single spell-like has still been ruled as working.

Or do level 1 as a rogue with the weapon prof. Scimitar feat. At level 2 Be a swashbuckler Advanced class 1 rogue 1

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