Captain Fremont |
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So to my dismay I'm playing the healer for my home group once again, but despite my feelings I'm trying to make my character the best healer possible. The character creation rules we used in character creation were as follows:
- 30 Race Point Creature
- Ability Scores used a grid format where you roll 4d6 and total them for each grid space.
- Gestalt
My character consists of the following:
- An advanced Aasimar, so I have access to my favored class bonus for Oracle.
- Good rolls
- Paladin of Iomadae/Purifier (Oracle) of Life
I have been spending my favored class bonus to up my Oracle Level for my Channel Revelation and was wondering if this bonus would stack with the benefits of the Mythic Domain Heirophant ability.
PRD: Alternate Aasimar Oracle Favored Class Bonus wrote:
Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.
PRD: Mythic Domain (Su) wrote:
When determining the effects of your domain's granted powers, you're considered 4 levels higher. This increases the effects of powers you have access to, but doesn't grant you powers at a lower level than normal. Once per day, you can expend one use of mythic power as a standard action to regain the use of all your domain granted powers as if you had rested for 8 hours. If you're an oracle, all aspects of this ability apply to your revelations instead of to domain granted powers. You must have the domain class feature or mystery class feature to select this ability.