"Tanking" with a Master Summoner


So, my Rise group's fighter died and the player isn't coming back with another full BAB front liner. My natural lycanthrope is left for that role mechanically. He's got a base AC 30 which is easily buffed to 40ish, CMD 39, +19 melee to-hit with greater magic fang which he casts daily at level 12. That's a pretty strong caster, yes, but with only 115 hitpoints I'm kind of nervous really trying to tank hits to the face. I imagine my general M.O. will be to summon things for that purpose. My guy has the dimensional dervish feats so he can basically zip in and out of combat seamlessly while his summons keep getting blasted and the party does their thing.

Is this sound? Does anyone have other tips?

It all depends on what opponents you encounter, and how your GM plays them.
Your foes could decide to ignore your summons, and go for your and/or your partymembers instead. There's nothing that forces them to go for the nearest target, and since it's kind of pointless to chip away at the HP of a summon, a GM with a GM vs. PC's mindset could very well decide to ignore whatever you summon, and just suck up whatever damage they're able to deal.
So, in short, if your GM ignores summons, it won't work. If your GM isn't playing the game as GM vs. PC's, it should work well against most foes.

Shadow Lodge

I would definitely use other spell defenses along with AC. If mirror image is a Summoner spell, then I'd recommend knowing and casting it. If not, a wand of it and maybe blur would probably be good additions.

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