Reign of Winter Wizard


Silver Crusade

We are on book 2, and just leveled up to 5th. My wizard is an evocker 4/ orc/gold draconic sorc 1 blaster.

I have Burning arc and Blindess/deafness already. I need 2 new spells, create pit is one and the other has to be evocation. I really need a defensive spell, but want the pit. A friend say that frost fall would fill the bill. Thoughts?

That or defensive shock.

Silver Crusade

I considered that, but figured it may only Be a slight deterent.

Well, I'm not familiar with the AP you're in, but from the title I'm guessing it's a cold themed campaign. Perhaps you'll find an electricity based spell more useful in the long run?

Personally I'd suggest just getting something else you want and keep your pick of Create Pit. Pit, being the battlefield control spell it is, inherently has defensive possibilities such as keeping yourself or your party from getting charged by worgs, potentially pulling the leader out of the fight (as long as they aren't too large and can climb out).

If you were to get something like say Fireball, that could kill a leader quickly, clear out minions. While offensive for sure, killing something before it can kill you is a decent defense itself.

Good point. Scorching ray, anyone? :)

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