Alchemist Extracts with a casting time of 1 round

Rules Questions

So, I get that Alchemists don't need a full round to cast spells with a 1 round casting time (drinking an extract is a standard action, thus an alchemist could move, then drink an extract of, say, enlarge person); however, when would said extract come into effect?
Or at the start of his next turn, as is normal with spells of that casting time?
I can't really seem to find an "official" answer to this question, so if someone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

I may already know the answer, I suppose...if extracts work like potions, then, like potions, they take effect immediately. I just wish it would say that in the class crunch after the bit about "duplicating effects exactly."

Effects are duplicated, the casting is not.

SuperUberGeek wrote:
Effects are duplicated, the casting is not.

Yeah, that's the conclusion I've come to. I guess the best answer is to treat extracts like potions in every way except that an Alchemist can draw and drink an extract in a standard, and that extracts don't have a level limit.

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