Sharaya Customer Service Representative |

It looks like the following items are out of print and we will not be able to get them in:
Vampire: The Requiem—City of the Damned: New Orleans
World of Darkness: Chicago
World of Darkness: Midnight Roads
If you would like, I can remove these items from the orders and ship the rest as is, or I can combine all of the items that are ready to ship into one order. Just let me know which you would prefer, or if you need to make any other other changes to your order.

Sharaya Customer Service Representative |

In moving your available items to a combined order, I also noticed that the following book is out of print and unavailable as well:
Vampire: The Requiem—Nomads
I have cancelled all of the unavailable items, and moved the available items to a single order. You should receive an email confirming the new order. It will be processed and shipping from the warehouse as soon as possible.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know.