Best deity...?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Okay, a character I am developing for an upcoming Kingmaker campaign has been raised by dwarves and is a crafting focused pistol wielding cleric.

So which deity would be most appropriate to worship, for a firearm devotee of the smithing (and eventually, magical item crafting) arts?

I thought of going with the forgemaster archetype, even though he is not a dwarf it would be appropriate for him to choose a dwarven AT - however I don't think it suits the overall theme of the character (don't want him to be so much focused on runes).

I thought of the blackpowder inquisition in place of a domain, but I don't think it would be as beneficial as an actual domain; in the long run.

So I am thinking of a deity with the artifice and nobility domains, if any exist, preferably one to allow for a Neutral Good or Lawful Good cleric (so a CG, N, NG, LG, or LN deity).

Not sure I love the benefits of the nobility domain, but as it is in a kingmaker campaign it seems it would be appropriate.

Do any actual deities (not demon princes, etc.) in golarion have any firearms as a favored weapon?

Any other suggestions for a deity?

Are you looking for the "best deity" for role playing reasons or for roll playing reasons?

Your question seems confused on this.

Scarab Sages

I dont think any deity has firearms as a favoured weapon. There's also none that have both artifice and nobility domains.

For a NG/LG cleric I'd recommend Bharnarol, The Tempered Inventor (A NG empyreal lord.), Torag or Brigh (only for NG).

Cardinal Chunder wrote:

Are you looking for the "best deity" for role playing reasons or for roll playing reasons?

Your question seems confused on this.

I do not feel the need to segregate the two. If there is no deity that suits mechanics and flavor both, I will take the best for either/or. I do not believe that mechanics are inherently more or less important than flavor - but that it is best when they can both align.

I detest the fallacy that flavor cannot be mechanically beneficial, or that mechanical optimization will necessarily weaken or remove flavor. They can quite easily coexist.

So, if no deity suits both mechanics AND flavor, I will be satisfied with one who is best for either mechanics, OR flavor... whichever is more appropriate to the character.

By that, I mean if there is an *extremely* suitable (flavor wise) deity whose mechanics are way off, and an *extremely* suitable deity (mechanically speaking), whose flavor is way off, and a third deity who is only *mostly* suitable in both areas, I would go for #3. But if there is not middle ground, if the flavorful choice is more suited to flavor than the mechanical choice is suited to his mechanics, I would pick it. And vice-versa.

minoritarian wrote:

I dont think any deity has firearms as a favoured weapon. There's also none that have both artifice and nobility domains.

For a NG/LG cleric I'd recommend Bharnarol, The Tempered Inventor (A NG empyreal lord.), Torag or Brigh (only for NG).

I am familiar with Torag and had considered him but decided against him for various reasons. Brigh and Bharnarol I had never heard of; both seem perfectly suited for this character. I prefer to not have a cleric worship andthing not actually a full deity, though... unless they instead worship nothing (an unnamed power), or an entire pantheon. But I personally never have a cleric or paladin or druid, etc. devoted to an empyreal lord, arch devil, demon lord, etc. Just my own personal thing. But that eliminates bharanol.

So for now, Brigh is tentatively my choice. I would still welcome any other input, though!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

karossii wrote:

I am familiar with Torag and had considered him but decided against him for various reasons. Brigh and Bharnarol I had never heard of; both seem perfectly suited for this character. I prefer to not have a cleric worship anything not actually a full deity, though... unless they instead worship nothing (an unnamed power), or an entire pantheon. But I personally never have a cleric or paladin or druid, etc. devoted to an empyreal lord, arch devil, demon lord, etc. Just my own personal thing. But that eliminates bharanol.

So for now, Brigh is tentatively my choice. I would still welcome any other input, though!

You need to talk to your GM.

However, James Jacobs has been very firm on this - A Cleric MUST worship a deity.

Well, this is a home game, not PFS... so a cleric could be free to venerate whatever; as you mentioned this would be DM specific. However, if you re-read what I stated above, it is my personal preference to only worship a deity (with the occasional/rare exception, in which I have a cleric who venerates a full pantheon or an ideal) - but I never have a cleric who serves a lesser divine being.

... so that is not a problem.

Lord Fyre wrote:
karossii wrote:

I am familiar with Torag and had considered him but decided against him for various reasons. Brigh and Bharnarol I had never heard of; both seem perfectly suited for this character. I prefer to not have a cleric worship anything not actually a full deity, though... unless they instead worship nothing (an unnamed power), or an entire pantheon. But I personally never have a cleric or paladin or druid, etc. devoted to an empyreal lord, arch devil, demon lord, etc. Just my own personal thing. But that eliminates bharanol.

So for now, Brigh is tentatively my choice. I would still welcome any other input, though!

You need to talk to your GM.

However, James Jacobs has been very firm on this - A Cleric MUST worship a deity.

Uh... Official material would suggest otherwise.

The 6th part of Rise of the Runelords has a cleric who worships the concept of greed, rather than a deity, for example, and Mythic Adventures has rules for "Hey, this is how your mythic character can grant spells to people who worship him/her", which wouldn't make much sense to have if clerics could only worship deities.

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Azmodeous, access to the best twf weapon in the game

the grand 1d8+1d4+1, light 17-20 weapon that radiates light and always hits against flat-footed.....

He's also damned lore intensive if you ask me.

a) he is an arch-devil, not a full fledged deity
b) he is lawful evil, very wrong alignment
c) he has neither the artifice or nobility domains
d) he does not fit the flavor of a kingmaker character very well, IMO (not sure how you think he might, would welcome the description)
e) how the heck are you getting a mace which is 1d8+1d4, with a 17-20 crit that radiates light and always hits against flat footed? And what at all does that have to do with a crafting/firearms based character?

Scarab Sages

Asmodeus IS a fully fledged deity in Pathfinder. He is an arch-devil too but he is a full deity. One of the two original deities in fact.

I'd like to know about that weapon too...

Shadow Lodge

minoritarian wrote:
Asmodeus IS a fully fledged deity in Pathfinder. He is an arch-devil too but he is a full deity. One of the two original deities in fact.

Very questionable.

IF you believe him, then he was one of the original two. In that area, at least.

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Fluttershy is Best Pony!... Oh wait, wrong thread. Sorry.

Scarab Sages

Kthulhu wrote:

Very questionable.

IF you believe him, then he was one of the original two. In that area, at least.

Why would I have any reason to disbelieve such an honest, trustworthy and all roind decent guy?

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