Chemlak |

Not entirely sure I follow the question (which is probably why nobody else has responded so far).
The most likely answer to your question is The Universal Monster Rules. Pretty much all offensive and defensive special abilities are described there, including damage reduction. Since the other information in the Defense portion of a monster stat-block are AC, Saving Throws, and Hit Points, all of which are described in the Combat chapter, I can't think of anywhere else to point you to an answer without a more specific question.

noblejohn |

Not entirely sure I follow the question (which is probably why nobody else has responded so far).
The most likely answer to your question is The Universal Monster Rules. Pretty much all offensive and defensive special abilities are described there, including damage reduction. Since the other information in the Defense portion of a monster stat-block are AC, Saving Throws, and Hit Points, all of which are described in the Combat chapter, I can't think of anywhere else to point you to an answer without a more specific question.
I can't find the Defensive Ability "Bravery" in the Universal Monster Rules. And it isn't listed in the special rules for an Ogrekin.
I know it seems like a dumb question and probably is - but can you please show me where the Defensive Abilities are listed specifically?

noblejohn |

Bravery is class feature of the Fighter.
It is not a monster ability.
Check out an Ogerkin - it has a defensive ability listed - Bravery
I see now that a fighter has a class ability of Bravery which gives a bonus to will saves vs fear. But they are giving these types of abilities to creatures as defensive abilities and they are difficult to find sometime to see what the mean.
Preparing for games can be time consuming reasearching all of the key words. I am getting better as I gain experience. Some sites have links to some of the abilities which helps. But I wish there was a version of the bestiary or module that just gave you all the rules/spells right there so guys like me that can't remember all these rules would not have to look them all up.
On the other hand, looking them up does help me learn them and ensure that I use them in game....

Chemlak |

What Nefreet said.
The very first line of the Ogrekin example is:
Male human ogrekin fighter 2
Which tells us several things we need to know when reading the statblock:
1) Check human racial abilities.
2) Ogrekin appears to be a template (since it is a non-standard modification to "human" and is not a class itself because it matches the monster entry name)
3) Check fighter class abilities at levels 1 and 2.
My order of operations for reading monster statblocks is basically:
Type, subtype, race, class. Once I have those tucked away, I can read the rest of the block knowing that info will either be in the UMR or detailed in the monster information.

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Can someone please tell me where to find a listing of the defensive abilities listed on a Monster stat sheet...
"Mmm. Sounds like you need Kal-Yik's Handy Guide to Creature Traits. Yes, yes. Good buy. Only cost you... a favor... you tell others how generous the Sczarni are. Yes, yes. Now go!"