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In my game, the characters are getting ready to go into a Haunted House. I have all the Haunts created and such. However, in my preparation I had a thought...
One characters in the group is a female Varisian Rogue (level 4) that is a Professional Trapsmith and Fortune Teller. She took the rogue talent Minor Magic "Disrupt Undead" spell. The player is playing the character like a gypsy who does Harrow readings and is into the spirit world.
I wanted to give the character an ability interact with Haunts, but I want it to be balanced so that the character is not something for nothing and the benefits and penalties balance out. Can you please read over Haunt Empathy below and give me your thoughts about it.
Thanks in advance!
Haunt Empathy (Ex):
The character gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to presence of haunts. Whenever she comes within 10 feet of a haunt, she receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the haunt. This check should be made in secret by the GM. She also gains a +1 Will save bonus to resist the haunts effects and a +1 Dodge bonus to AC verses any attacks by the haunt.
The character is also hyper sensitive to haunts and regardless of who the haunt targets, she is slightly affected by the same haunt. Whenever a character within 60 feet is affected by a haunt, she experiences exactly what they do. For every point of damage they take, she takes an equal amount of non-lethal damage. If they take ability damage, she takes it too but all abilities recover 1 point per hour instead of one point per day.
Finally, she may attempt to commune with the haunt. To do so, she initiates a Will save vs the Haunt. If successful, she may ask a single Yes or No question. If the Haunt knows the answer, the spirit answers directly or provides an empathic feeling of Yes or No. If the spirit doesn’t know, there is no answer. It is important to note that Haunts seldom know why they exist or how to remove the Haunt. If the Will save succeeds by 5 or more, she may ask two Yes or No questions. If the save fails by 4 or less, there is no answer and if it fails by 5 or more, the spirit invades her mind and she takes 1d3 Wisdom damage.