Finding Haleen Trait

Pathfinder Society

Is this trait legal in PFS? It comes from the Legacy of Fire campaign and the Additional Resources for PFS says that all traits except Duskwalker Agent are legal. However, that campaign was written for both 3.5 and PF, so I'm not sure if that changes things.


It says: no campaign traits are allowed! As this is a campaign trait it is not legal!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

jmclaus wrote:
Is this trait legal in PFS? It comes from the Legacy of Fire campaign and the Additional Resources for PFS says that all traits except Duskwalker Agent are legal.

No, it says 'all traits on pages 7–9 are allowed except Duskwalker Agent'. Finding Haleen is not on pages 7-9, and therefore not legal.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, pg 9 wrote:

Step 7: Traits

Pathfinder Society characters begin play with two traits— minor in-game advantages tied to their background in the campaign world. Complete trait rules can be found in the Advanced Player’s Guide or online in the free Character Traits Web Enhancement at

Characters choose their traits from six different categories: basic, campaign, equipment, race, region, and religion. A character can have only one trait from each category (or subcategory, in the case of basic traits, which fall into the areas of combat, faith, magic, and social). Your character’s choice of faction opens up additional trait choices presented in Chapter 4 of this guide. These faction traits count as campaign traits—in effect, they are the campaign traits for Pathfinder Society Organized Play. No other campaign traits from any source are legal for characters to choose. In order to select a faction trait, your character must belong to the associated faction.

Emphasis mine for the official ruling from the guide.

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