Advice for this sylvan sorcerer?


Shadow Lodge

What do you think?

Unsure on Faction. Leaning to Silver Goody goodies.
Spells and traits were difficult.

Agathion-Blooded Aasimar (Idyllkin) Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1

Character Sheet:

Agathion-Blooded Aasimar (Idyllkin) Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee sickle -1 (1d6-1/×2)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20/×2)
Spell-Like Abilities
1/day—summon nature's ally ii
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st (4/day)—magic missile, mage armor
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, read magic, light
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Boon Companion, Eschew Materials
Traits havoc of the society, savannah child
Skills Handle Animal +11, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival +2, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Handle Animal, +2 Survival
Languages Celestial, Common, Sylvan
SQ mutated bloodlines (sylvan)
Combat Gear Acid; Other Gear Crossbow bolts (10), Light crossbow, Sickle, Backpack (empty), Backpack (empty), Feed (per day) (3), Flint and steel, Signal whistle, Torch (5), Trail rations (2), Waterskin, 89 GP, 10 SP
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Boon Companion (Animal Companion) +4 levels to calc familiar/animal comp abilities (max of your HD).
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Havoc of the Society Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the total damage dealt.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Sylvan Your magic shows a kinship to that of the beast-talkers and shapechanger fey.

Animal Companion - Roc
Ooof. 7hps. Maybe Toughness at 1st level? Can a Roc wear barding?

Animal Companion - Roc:


NG Medium animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 7 (-2)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee bite +5 (1d6+1/×2) and
2 talons +5 (1d4+1/×2)
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse
Tricks Attack [Trick], Attack [Trick], Attack Any Target [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Heel [Trick], Seek [Trick]
Skills Fly +8, Perception +5
SQ attack, attack any target, come, defend, down, heel, seek
Special Abilities
Attack [Trick] The animal will attack on command.
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Defend [Trick] The animal will defend you.
Down [Trick] The animal will break off combat on command.
Flight (80 feet, Average) You can fly!
Heel [Trick] The animal will follow you.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.

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Shadow Lodge

Even with only 7 hit points, the Roc is a beast.

Fun things to remember as a Sylvan Sorcerer, because of share spells you can cast any polymorph spells on your animal companion, this means when you get to higher level you can cast things like Beast Shape or Alter Self on your animal companion, Alter Self can come in handy to get it to climb ladders, or if it gets feared (you don't want it to fly away at 80 feet fly speed, quick change it into a dwarf!)

If you have access to Animal Archive, you will want to get Spell Sponge on your animal companion, it will double the duration of any of your buffs cast on it via share spells.

Spells look ok for right now, as for traits you have one that makes handle animal a class skill, so that is what really matters.

Roc can indeed wear barding, however it will be kinda expensive.

Shadow Lodge

Sponge, check. Definitely want Celestial Servant too.

Thanks Dylos!

It can help if you talk about things you want to do with this character and what sort of backstory they have and what your attached to. Hard to talk about what to do or how a character looks with no idea what the goal is.

Magic missile is going to be a little dissapointing at first level. You may want to try grease instead. Normally I'd suggest skipping mage armor, but 1) for pfs its a good call since you don't know if you have a meatshield and 2) you can mage armor your roc.

Toughness as the rocs first feat would be a very good idea.

Scarab Sages

Dylos wrote:

Roc can indeed wear barding, however it will be kinda expensive.

leather barding gives +2 AC, doesn't affect its attack roll and is not so expensive.

If you get any armor with an armor check penalty that subtracts from your to hit roll unless you have the armor proficiecny feat. Also flying critters have a weight limit (it might be light) that they can carry and still fly.

Still light armor proficiency gets you a 4 armor barding and no need for mage armor and you can add enchantments to it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Light armor prof. is kind of a trap.

The Roc can get

Leather barding
MW studded leather
Mithral chain
Mithral kiko
(if you want to go nuts) Mithral breastplate with the comfort enchant.
all of which have an acp of 0.

I'd go with leather for the first adventure, upgrade to mw studded leather after that (you're a caster, there's nothing to spend money on for a while) and then wait till the level 7 upgrade before deciding how much armor you want to go with then.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MrSin wrote:
It can help if you talk about things you want to do with this character and what sort of backstory they have and what your attached to. Hard to talk about what to do or how a character looks with no idea what the goal is.

It's a bunch of themes I enjoy. I like divinely inspired characters but I always end up playing a healer so this time I was looking for a Gandalf/Keeper of the Light (Dota2) feel. I even had a Gandalf inside joke floating in my head in regards to the eagle not solving all my quests for me by flying halflings into volcanos.

Animal Companions and Wildshape are my 2 favorite RPG abilities ever but honestly they seem pretty complex in PF. This lets me try out the critter and keep the character pretty basic so not to slow down gameplay.

Barding: how much is the barding for a Roc?

Thanks to all who took the time to reply!

Leather: (2x the cost of armor) 20 gp
MW studded leather (2x the cost of studded leather+mw=(25X2+150)=200 gp

Mithral chain: pricing gets a little ambiguous. The method that makes the most sense to me is

For medium
100 base price for a chain shirt
100 to double the price for being barding
+1,000 gp for the cost of mithril
=1200 gp.

For large
100 gp bace price
100 to double it because its barding
200 it because its large
2,000 for large mithril


I can't see getting charged double for the material because its barding.

How the hobbit should have ended

Shadow Lodge

Thanks Wolf!

Shadow Lodge

I forgot to mention something about the Roc.

At 7th level, the Roc switches from having high Dexterity and low Strength to having higher Strength and almost equal Dexterity, which makes the feat Weapon Finesse a waste after that level, however you cannot retrain animal companions.

You can however release the Roc from your service, and gain another, with different feats, however the new Roc will not have all of it's Tricks trained. I assume you want the large Roc at 7th level so that you can ride it, so you would not be interested in the alternate +2 dex/+2 con option, so if you are going to be attached to your first Roc, or if you don't want to go through the hassle of training tricks on the new Roc at a later level, you may have to live with a feat that isn't worthwhile after 7th level.

Shadow Lodge

Flying is cool but not all that important to me. Do I need anything special to ride?

How hard will it be to bring my companion on adventures? Is this why small cats are popular?

Shadow Lodge

I have a sylvan sorcerer myself and have yet to run into anything where I could not bring my roc along, and due to my spell selection, I am even less likely to now.

However, I will say to avoid more social scenerios with the character, because you shouldn't bring the roc to a wedding for example.

My sylvan sorcerer however is only level 5 now, so I have yet to have to worry about having a large pet. Additionally, my Sylvan sorcerer is a Priest of Razmir, and usually you would not want on of them at a wedding either (and she has the symbol of Razmir tattooed to her face, so yea...)

The Exchange

I've been away from PFS for abut due to 2nd year med school so pardon if I'm incorrect. I thought you could only play the regular blooded aasimar?

The Todd wrote:
I've been away from PFS for abut due to 2nd year med school so pardon if I'm incorrect. I thought you could only play the regular blooded aasimar?

They made Tiefling and assimar and all their variants legal without any boon at some point a long time ago. And tengu too! Not sure what giant birds have to do with angels and demons, but I'm not going to complain after all the fun tengu's I've been with.

Liberty's Edge

Shooting Star wrote:

Flying is cool but not all that important to me. Do I need anything special to ride?

How hard will it be to bring my companion on adventures? Is this why small cats are popular?

In order to fly on your Roc you will need to train your Roc with enough Fly skill points, and give it the right trick - I believe that would be Combat-Trained mount? The military saddle would be a MUST to not fall out in nasty situations. It will be difficult, as a sorcerer, to spare enough skill points to safely Ride him into battle.

There will be scenarios where a large Roc will not be able to accompany you for at least some sections. I recommend that you take the spell Carry Companion for smuggling into weddings and opera houses (a scroll would do), and give him the Narrow Frame feast.

My badger Mitch was a valued team member and frequent tank through 13 levels of PFS play; he never once died. I say this with pride, because some druids and rangers can't seem to keep their companions alive for a single level.

Toughness is a great idea for your companion, and any real sylvan sorcerer WILL take Boon Companion at level 1. To maximize your effectiveness, I would recommend that you focus on buffing your companion and the rest of the party. I would recommend casting Mage Armor and later False Life on him every time it looks like you might be heading into combat. Get a wand of shield and use it on him in the opening round, if the fight looks nasty. Or even mirror image. When buffed, my badger could soak up the AoOs for the party, allowing us to move around the battlefield with impunity. I highly recommend the Flank trick, by the way. Once you have solid buff spells at every spell level, then you can take spells like Glitterdust or Dispel Magic.

Barding is a possibility, but keep an eye on encumbrance for flight, and getting >4 AC from 0 ACP armor or spending feats on it never seemed worthwhile to me. I had a great time with Beast Shape later on, but YMMV. Lesser Extend rods are only 3k, and once you can afford a Robe of Arcane Heritage, you can retrain the Boon Companion feat.

You will probably experience huge table variation in terms of how your animal companion is run by the GM. Your initiative or his own? Will the GM be strict about those Handle Animal rolls? How long will your Roc happily sit in a tree outside the opera house waiting for you before getting bored and causing havoc? How will townsfolk react to it?

It's a great class, you'll have loads of fun!

MrSin wrote:
The Todd wrote:
I've been away from PFS for abut due to 2nd year med school so pardon if I'm incorrect. I thought you could only play the regular blooded aasimar?
They made Tiefling and assimar and all their variants legal without any boon at some point a long time ago. And tengu too! Not sure what giant birds have to do with angels and demons, but I'm not going to complain after all the fun tengu's I've been with.

There are new tengu variants!? Where where where where where???

Master of the Dark Triad wrote:
MrSin wrote:
The Todd wrote:
I've been away from PFS for abut due to 2nd year med school so pardon if I'm incorrect. I thought you could only play the regular blooded aasimar?
They made Tiefling and assimar and all their variants legal without any boon at some point a long time ago. And tengu too! Not sure what giant birds have to do with angels and demons, but I'm not going to complain after all the fun tengu's I've been with.
There are new tengu variants!? Where where where where where???

They come in crow, crane, and raven forms! There's also a legendary big yellow kind.

Also! They don't really exist. It was a separate statement to the tiefling and assimar thing.

Scarab Sages

keerawa wrote:
... Get a wand of shield and use it on him in the opening round, if the fight looks nasty. Or even mirror image. ...

Just know that some GMs (many in my experience) won't allow wands of personal spells to be used on companions because it is not one of your spells but a magic item.

I agree light armor proficiency is not good for a flying (or swimming) companion - but I find that medium or heavy armor on a ground companion can be a helpful boost to armor class.

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