Inner Sea Romance Novels

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Fifty Shedus of Gay: Being an Account of the Polyamorous Intrigues in the Palaces of Ancient Ninshabur

Scarab Sages

Scales of Justice: or How Purity, Married to Hope, May Melt Even the Cold Heart of a Nagaji Magistrate

A Brick in the Road: The Queen Who Loved Asmodeus

Silver Crusade

A Gentlemen's Chivalric Guide to Courting with a foreword by Dispater.

Johannes Gutenberg wrote:

Dominating Monsters: An Enchantress' Memoir

The minotaur roared his challenge at me as I entered the center of the maze, "What manner of madness befell you that would cause you to enter my labyrinth?"
I laughed coyly, "Oh, thank goodness I found you, great-horned one. I am not befuddled by madness. Rather, I seek to make the world a more pleasant place by sating the unchecked desires of the lonely creatures of this world. You wouldn't happen to be in need of my services, would you?"
The minotaur began to respond as he stepped closer, still brandishing his great-axe, before a heat overtook him and the axe clattered to the ground. Unnatural Lust is such a marvelous spell, I thought to myself as I prepared for the coming hour of bliss...
To read more of this book, please purchase it at your local archivist or scrivener, today!


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

You saw my bet and raised it, Mikaze. Now I gotta come up with more.

It's been a long time since my bookstore days, so I'll have to dig through the brain-muck to recall all my old "restock the romance shelves" details.

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