The Cis / Privilege definition and intent discussion thread.

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MeanDM wrote:

Since this is about cops now…

Why cops lie under oath.

Actually, Michelle Alexander has been totally on-topic since Page 3.

This thread never ceases to impress me.

If it were longer, I'd say it impresses that it never ceases.

My only problem with it, thus far, is that the postmodernist contingent took off for other pastures. I mean, I politely asked them a question and they up and disappeared.

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One-third of California town's police force arrested for scheming cars from poor Hispanics

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
One-third of California town's police force arrested for scheming cars from poor Hispanics

Things like this happen MUCH MORE OFTEN than people think. I am excessively glad at least one police department is at least facing SOME consequences of doing this.

Marissa Alexander could face 60 years

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Freehold DM wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
DM Barcas wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
People can kill me(more likely injure or attempt to injure, although I have lost colleagues before) because they're having a bad day and I don't make a lot of money.
Is it a particularly likely possibility? There are (according to the BLS) over 600,000 social workers with a median pay of $44,200. There were 6 homicides in 2012 of social workers, according to the BLS. I can't find any statistics about assaults of social workers in the BLS data. However, I'd like you to imagine facing off with someone having a bad day. Now, do that three or four times a week and keep in mind that they will often be armed.
Yes but you get a bullet proof vest a night stick a taser mace self defense training and the legal ability to smack people upside the head. He has a pen, a stapler, a tie and will probably get fired for getting into a physical assault.

They took away the stapler actually. Could have been used as a weapon against me. They left the tape dispenser though, and I keep the hole punch (which could be a real weapon considering the weight and metallic construction) on my side of the desk at all times. I do have a pretty cool conch shell on the other side of the desk, so someone having a bad day could potentially throw it at me, or use it to summon aquaman, who would be pissed at having to come this far inland through polluted water and will likely kick my ass.

Beaten by aquaman... How would I live that down...

I got my stapler back!!!

Hi Aquaman.

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
Marissa Alexander could face 60 years

Hey, stop pointing out racism, you racist!

meatrace wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
Marissa Alexander could face 60 years
Hey, stop pointing out racism, you racist!

I've never been quite able to decide if the problem with that case is racism or our dumb gun/self defense laws.

I mean the prosecution's basic argument is that she couldn't actually have been in fear of her life or she wouldn't have fired a warning shot, she would have tried to kill him. If, in the exact same situation, she'd shot him it would have been fine, right?

Obviously the lesson is, shoot to kill and make sure he's dead.

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thejeff wrote:

I've never been quite able to decide if the problem with that case is racism or our dumb gun/self defense laws.

Hey man, no reason it can't be both.

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Warningshot: Old florida indian word for crossed eyed shooter.

Florida will tolerate many things, but not a bad shot.

This lady misses ,0% shooting average she gets 20 years.

The guy in the gas station hits 1/4 25% , gets 5 years.

Zimmerman hits 1/1, 100% gets off with nothing.

Florida isn't racist, it just believes that gun control means hitting your target!

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Warningshot: Old florida indian word for crossed eyed shooter.

Florida will tolerate many things, but not a bad shot.

This lady misses ,0% shooting average she gets 20 years.

The guy in the gas station hits 1/4 25% , gets 5 years.

Zimmerman hits 1/1, 100% gets off with nothing.

Florida isn't racist, it just believes that gun control means hitting your target!

Last time I checked Dunn was facing sixty years. Has this changed?

Freehold DM wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Warningshot: Old florida indian word for crossed eyed shooter.

Florida will tolerate many things, but not a bad shot.

This lady misses ,0% shooting average she gets 20 years.

The guy in the gas station hits 1/4 25% , gets 5 years.

Zimmerman hits 1/1, 100% gets off with nothing.

Florida isn't racist, it just believes that gun control means hitting your target!

Last time I checked Dunn was facing sixty years. Has this changed?

She was facing 20 years until her appeal threw out the conviction for a new trial, where she now faces 3 charges of what she was convicted with prior.

Liberty's Edge

Caineach wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Warningshot: Old florida indian word for crossed eyed shooter.

Florida will tolerate many things, but not a bad shot.

This lady misses ,0% shooting average she gets 20 years.

The guy in the gas station hits 1/4 25% , gets 5 years.

Zimmerman hits 1/1, 100% gets off with nothing.

Florida isn't racist, it just believes that gun control means hitting your target!

Last time I checked Dunn was facing sixty years. Has this changed?
She was facing 20 years until her appeal threw out the conviction for a new trial, where she now faces 3 charges of what she was convicted with prior.

Actually she was facing three concurrent 20 year sentences for three counts of whatever. The prosecutor's shooting for consecutive this time.

C'mon guys, reread the post. DUNN is the guy who shot a young black man for playing the music too loud.

It appears that he was convicted, but hasn't been sentenced. I guess I always thought those were part and parcel ya know, but I guess not? So he doesn't have a jail sentence yet. It's totally possible he'll get the minimum, and he wasn't convicted of 1st degree so...???

meatrace wrote:

C'mon guys, reread the post. DUNN is the guy who shot a young black man for playing the music too loud.

It appears that he was convicted, but hasn't been sentenced. I guess I always thought those were part and parcel ya know, but I guess not? So he doesn't have a jail sentence yet. It's totally possible he'll get the minimum, and he wasn't convicted of 1st degree so...???

60 years minimum. Yup.

meatrace wrote:

C'mon guys, reread the post. DUNN is the guy who shot a young black man for playing the music too loud.

It appears that he was convicted, but hasn't been sentenced. I guess I always thought those were part and parcel ya know, but I guess not? So he doesn't have a jail sentence yet. It's totally possible he'll get the minimum, and he wasn't convicted of 1st degree so...???

In major trials, there's usually a sentencing phase after conviction. With arguments from both sides, usually testimony about how horribly the victims were affected and about nice a person he really is.

Also, he wasn't convicted of the murder charge, but he also wasn't cleared. The jury hung and there will be another trial.

This one isn't over by any means.

pres man wrote:
meatrace wrote:

C'mon guys, reread the post. DUNN is the guy who shot a young black man for playing the music too loud.

It appears that he was convicted, but hasn't been sentenced. I guess I always thought those were part and parcel ya know, but I guess not? So he doesn't have a jail sentence yet. It's totally possible he'll get the minimum, and he wasn't convicted of 1st degree so...???

60 years minimum. Yup.

No, if he isn't convicted of murder, and is allowed to serve his other sentences concurrently (which happens) he could be sentenced to a MAXIMUM of 30 years.

I find that unlikely, and he will serve significant time, but it still sticks in my craw that in a case as clear cut as this one you couldn't get unanimity in a murder verdict.

Honestly, the Florida prosecution team that has been doing these cases just baffles me. I mean, first degree case for Dunn? Why not second degree, that seems more reasonable based on the situation? Also, didn't they include an attempted murder charge for the victim as well as a murder charge? And if not, why not? He stated he didn't know he had killed the kid. So when he fired the second time when the car was fleeing (this is the part he was convicted on), he should have been convicted on attempting murder on the victim. The fact that the victim was dead (actually might have still been alive at that point, I don't know) is irrelevant to the fact that he was attempting to commit murder.

It just seems as if they never want to put lesser charges, because they fear the jury will go with those instead, and always swings for the fences. Sometimes it works for them (but perhaps not for justice) other times it doesn't.

meatrace wrote:

No, if he isn't convicted of murder, and is allowed to serve his other sentences concurrently (which happens) he could be sentenced to a MAXIMUM of 30 years.

I find that unlikely, and he will serve significant time, but it still sticks in my craw that in a case as clear cut as this one you couldn't get unanimity in a murder verdict.

Well according to this story he faces "at least 60 years". Now maybe they don't know what they are talking about.

I dunno, first degree murder seems pretty reasonable in a case where a)the victim did nothing to provoke attack b)the defendant had ample time to flee, as evinced by him having to go back to his car to retrieve his gun.

Premeditation doesn't have to mean drawing out battle plans, it just means that was his intention. Walking back to your car, retrieving your gun, (presumably turning off the safety) and returning to fire seems like he probably had time to think it over. Or at least notice that no one was making any aggressive actions towards him.

pres man wrote:

Honestly, the Florida prosecution team that has been doing these cases just baffles me. I mean, first degree case for Dunn? Why not second degree, that seems more reasonable based on the situation? Also, didn't they include an attempted murder charge for the victim as well as a murder charge? And if not, why not? He stated he didn't know he had killed the kid. So when he fired the second time when the car was fleeing (this is the part he was convicted on), he should have been convicted on attempting murder on the victim. The fact that the victim was dead (actually might have still been alive at that point, I don't know) is irrelevant to the fact that he was attempting to commit murder.

It just seems as if they never want to put lesser charges, because they fear the jury will go with those instead, and always swings for the fences. Sometimes it works for them (but perhaps not for justice) other times it doesn't.

Apparently under Florida law Murder One automatically includes the lesser charges. The jury hung on all of them. At least one juror was convinced it was self-defence (or at least had reasonable doubts that it wasn't). That would apply to any murder or attempted murder charges.

I'm not sure if attempted murder is included in the lesser charges or not. I could easily see how it might not be, given that the victim is actually dead.

The attempted murder charges that stuck come from him continuing to fire at the car as it drove away. The whole jury was convinced that wasn't self-defense.

Getting a mistrial on the murder charge may be better in the long run than having gotten attempted murder. We'll see what happens in the retrial.

Obviously though, his mistake was not managing to kill all four of them. Then there'd be no contradicting testimony.

meatrace wrote:

I dunno, first degree murder seems pretty reasonable in a case where a)the victim did nothing to provoke attack b)the defendant had ample time to flee, as evinced by him having to go back to his car to retrieve his gun.

Premeditation doesn't have to mean drawing out battle plans, it just means that was his intention. Walking back to your car, retrieving your gun, (presumably turning off the safety) and returning to fire seems like he probably had time to think it over. Or at least notice that no one was making any aggressive actions towards him.

I must not have been following the case, he went back to the car? I thought he was sitting in the car the entire time and he reached over into the glove box and got the gun. Florida doesn't require fleeing if you are in danger, the part about having time to flee is irrelevant.

If he was in the car the whole time, then it would sound more like a case where people are arguing and then one of them kills the other, something like a road rage case. Those usually aren't first degree cases, or so I thought.

thejeff wrote:
I'm not sure if attempted murder is included in the lesser charges or not. I could easily see how it might not be, given that the victim is actually dead.

I am no law expert, but I think as long as you believe they are alive and attempt to murder them, you can still be convicted of attempted murder even if they were already dead (which I'm not sure the kid was at the time of the second volley).

e.g. You kick in an apartment door and see a man lying on a couch. You shoot him and grab the T.V. and run. Later the cops show up, after the autopsy they find that the man was already dead, having suffered a heart attack earlier. Since you didn't know he was dead and attempted to murder him, you can't be convicted of actual murder, but you can be convicted of attempting to murder.

Like I said, I'm not sure that is valid interpretation, or if it is, if it is valid everywhere.

The Exchange

his story was that they threatened him when he told them to turn it down. If i gun had been found or something that looked close enough that they may have been bluffing he might have had a case. As it stands it is a lack of evidence and his story vs theirs so stand your ground is pretty much not a factor at all. First degree requires planning, this is an act of rage on the spot, second degree

Man, I'm so sad my Archie Bunker post in that other thread disappeared.


I'm gonna repost that DMX video, though.

I am DMX!

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Don Juan de Cornelius wrote:

Man, I'm so sad my Archie Bunker post in that other thread disappeared.


I'm gonna repost that DMX video, though.

I am DMX!

Did someone say DMX?

meatrace wrote:
Don Juan de Cornelius wrote:

Man, I'm so sad my Archie Bunker post in that other thread disappeared.


I'm gonna repost that DMX video, though.

I am DMX!

Did someone say DMX?

Yeah, I think I heard someone say DMX.

Irontruth wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Don Juan de Cornelius wrote:

Man, I'm so sad my Archie Bunker post in that other thread disappeared.


I'm gonna repost that DMX video, though.

I am DMX!

Did someone say DMX?
Yeah, I think I heard someone say DMX.

Oberheim DMX is aight, but nothing sounds quite like an Eight. Oh. Eight!

808s cost like a million bucks. I DO own a 606 and a 707 though.

Always been more of a synthesizer guy.

Irontruth wrote:
Always been more of a synthesizer guy.

Many drum machines are synthesizers. The 606 and 808, at least, are fully analog. The 909 has sampled hats and cowbell (IIRC) but the rest is fully analog.

Also, as to the offending video, while actual synthesizers do make a cameo, the keytar is not exactly the height of the form.

I can't believe it's been almost a year since this was released.

Call me a philistine if you will, but I Love Acid. I have his little brother, but man would I tear into a 303...

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Lacking anywhere else suitable to put this,

The Germans Play Monopoly

Promotional Trailer for FREE CeCe documentary

College group cancels diversity 'happy hour' after excluding white staffers

pres man wrote:
College group cancels diversity 'happy hour' after excluding white staffers

is this in response to some white separatist activity on campus? The article infers as much but doesn't say anything. If not, then it's beyond stupid.

No, it appears that the head of the Diversity and Equity Center wanted to discuss race issues without whitey butting in. According to the pretty far right Washington Times it was cancelled and apologized for "within minutes."

Sounds like political correctness is really runnin amok over there at South Puget Sound Community College

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

No, it appears that the head of the Diversity and Equity Center wanted to discuss race issues without whitey butting in. According to the pretty far right Washington Times it was cancelled and apologized for "within minutes."

Sounds like political correctness is really runnin amok over there at South Puget Sound Community College

Then they're pretty stupid.

Freehold DM wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

No, it appears that the head of the Diversity and Equity Center wanted to discuss race issues without whitey butting in. According to the pretty far right Washington Times it was cancelled and apologized for "within minutes."

Sounds like political correctness is really runnin amok over there at South Puget Sound Community College

Then they're pretty stupid.

Perhaps not surprisingly it appears (from the video) to be a white person who thinks this kind of thing is appropriate.

pres man wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

No, it appears that the head of the Diversity and Equity Center wanted to discuss race issues without whitey butting in. According to the pretty far right Washington Times it was cancelled and apologized for "within minutes."

Sounds like political correctness is really runnin amok over there at South Puget Sound Community College

Then they're pretty stupid.
Perhaps not surprisingly it appears (from the video) to be a white person who thinks this kind of thing is appropriate.

Having a meeting that is persons of color talking about issues between themselves is perfectly fine. Advertising it to everyone and explicitly saying only PoC will be allowed in is offensive, and making jokes of it the way the memo does is even worse. Adding the implication that white people are not only not interested in expanding diversity but only interested in actively fighting against it is even more insulting.

They could have done and exclusive meeting in a way that isn't offensive. Instead, they came across the same way the white frat boys celebrating MLK day with fried chicken and watermelons.

On an unrelated note, today is White Day, a Japanese holiday in which men return the favor for gifts given them by their girlfriends on Valentine's Day.

Yes, in Japan, on V-Day, ladies do something special for their guys and have to wait a month for reciprocation. Or they just break up with you March 13th.

pres man wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

No, it appears that the head of the Diversity and Equity Center wanted to discuss race issues without whitey butting in. According to the pretty far right Washington Times it was cancelled and apologized for "within minutes."

Sounds like political correctness is really runnin amok over there at South Puget Sound Community College

Then they're pretty stupid.
Perhaps not surprisingly it appears (from the video) to be a white person who thinks this kind of thing is appropriate.

I think I was wrong, she appears to be Native American.

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
I don't think I need to tell anyone that Boston is not a majority minority city.

I was at a 15 Now! meeting in Boston yesterday, and one of the comrades said during her presentation that Boston is a majority minority city. I didn't believe her and looked it up online and it turns out it has been for 14 years now.

Which I am totally fine with except for the whole I-was-wrong-thing...

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