[Spoiler] Thuvian Alchemist (Not Really for Alchemists)

Pathfinder Player Companion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As I said in a post on the People of the Sands product page, I have a few problems with the prestige class for alchemists.

Those who don't have it or want to wait for it:


Okay, so the problem I have is not persay a problem with the class as a whole, but for it's use for an alchemist. the Healing solution powers requires you to take two of your spell slots to create a healing spell from the limited list, many of which are already available for alchemists. and the curative enhancement power give an additional benefit like the paladin's mercy ability at the cost of 1d6 of healing spells benefit. many of which can be treated as an alchemist already. this means while the other powers are beneficial, these powers suck up space that would be rarely used.

otherwise all an alchemist deals with is, a decrease to bomb damage by 1d6, but otherwise keeps their spell progression and number of discoveries, though the grand one will be chosen for you.

so as a prestige class to introduce other classes to alchemy, its a very nice option, but my suggestion for alchemists who want to pursue it as well should try my (or their own) homebrew alterations.

I would combine powers from the Chirugeon archetype to fit the theme and alchemist alike.

Replace healing solution with infused curative. And remove curative enhancement from levels 3 and 9. Replace curative enhancement at level 5 with Chirugeon's Anaesthetic ability. And finally replace curative enhancement at level 7 with the power over death ability.

What are your opinions on the Thuvian Alchemist? your own takes on the problematic powers I pointed out for alchemists?


First thing I noticed, you don't lose any spellcasting / extract per day levels taking this class. That's pretty wicked nice regardless of whether you started as an alchemist or a spellcaster.

Healing Solution is arguably a sidestep away from a cleric's spontaneous spellcasting, and the fact that it lets you make an infused extract of breath of life at high levels is pretty sweet. I don't recall if Alchemists can normally get that formulae.

Curative Enhancement is neat (Although it looks like it and extra curative enhancement need to swap places on your table). It reminds me of lay on hands, abet significantly morel limited.

Overall, its a cool class. It lets alchemists do something they can't normally do (spontaneously prepare cure elixirs) and it gives them a big benefit for doing so (curative elixirs). The roster of discoveries isn't very great and the class's capstone is fairly bland as well (the eternal youth grand discovery isn't very impressive), but overall I think that this is a great option for an alchemist who wants to be a sometimes-healer for his party.

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Alexander Augunas wrote:

and the class's capstone is fairly bland as well (the eternal youth grand discovery isn't very impressive), but overall I think that this is a great option for an alchemist who wants to be a sometimes-healer for his party.

Since when is discovering the secret for eternal life not impressive?

since no campaign lasts long enough for it to matter?


Mechalibur wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

and the class's capstone is fairly bland as well (the eternal youth grand discovery isn't very impressive), but overall I think that this is a great option for an alchemist who wants to be a sometimes-healer for his party.

Since when is discovering the secret for eternal life not impressive?

It is impressive. Just not as a class's capstone.

If you're an alchemist, its the same as taking the Eternal Life grand discovery; its not new or unique. Likewise, if you enter as a wizard, you could pick up Immortality as your bonus feat.

Basically, its not a fun, unique capstone like most prestige classes (or classes in general) get.

You can get the Thuvian Alchemist capstone at character level 15, though, instead of 20 for wizard arcane discovery or alchemist grand discovery.

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Mechalibur wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

and the class's capstone is fairly bland as well (the eternal youth grand discovery isn't very impressive), but overall I think that this is a great option for an alchemist who wants to be a sometimes-healer for his party.

Since when is discovering the secret for eternal life not impressive?

It takes forever to beta test.

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