FAQ request: Anything we're missing?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I don't know if it's just a localised misprint, but my Circles of Binding have a 4 instead of a 3 in the upper right corner. Might need an errata like the Burnt Offerings Sihedron Medallion got

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Uh… Circles of Binding is in Adventure 4. How exactly do you have that card?

From his post it sounds like it was in his deck 3 box.

3Doubloons: You also posted elsewhere that you have a mix of the 1st printing and 2nd printing cards. Was your deck 3 a first or second printing?

Mike Selinker wrote:
Uh… Circles of Binding is in Adventure 4. How exactly do you have that card?

Apparently, during printing and packaging, there was a booboo. There's a post over on BGG about this, too.

Is there a list of the contents of AP3 anywhere that we can reference these people to to make sure that it was an accidental addition to the pack and didn't actually accidentally replace one of the cards in the pack?

Though, I guess, just counting the number of 3 cards would say if there's enough, but again, if there was already a mixup in packaging, it's hard to know if the correct number of cards are there without an official list.

I know the character tracker sheets lists all the cards and what pack they're in, but it doesn't say how many of each card is in that pack.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It was in my second printing AP3. I assumed it was meant to be there since it appears to model the binding circles inside Skull's Crossing during the Hook Mountain Massacre.

Might be a recurring problem:

These aren't official lists from Paizo, but they seem to be fairly accurate:



If you figure out what you are missing, make a new thread to post in (since we are no longer really discussing the FAQ). I'll be happy to verify what I have for you, but I'm sure others will as well.

EDIT: Oh, and you should probably officially contact customer service.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Working on it. Thanks for the knowledge.

I think this subject deserves FAQ attention:


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If someone uses the spell Strength on the paladin to increase her strength by 3 would any melee attacks made by the paladin have the "magic trait"? Would she be able to use that buff to defeat the "Shadow" monster card?

Malicain wrote:
If someone uses the spell Strength on the paladin to increase her strength by 3 would any melee attacks made by the paladin have the "magic trait"? Would she be able to use that buff to defeat the "Shadow" monster card?

No. Only the card that determines the base die, if one is played, adds its traits to the check. Other cards or powers that affect the check do not add traits unless they specifically say so. Kyra's power against undead and the Fiery Weapon spell are two examples.

Please add more details about evading to the FAQ. From:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qjsl?Cant-evade-a-card-before-encountering-it# 1

Warrens and the Shrine to Lamashtu apparently are activated by cards that you evade, which surprises me.

'Before the encounter' effects are skipped when evading, but some effects that say 'when you encounter' apply, such as the die roll on the Ogrekin. According to Hawkmoon269, this include Blessing of the Gods' auto-acquire when you encounter it.

I feel that the section of the FAQ that says you can't play particular types of cards due to card text should specifically mention evade cards as affected.

Should the encounter sequence be:

Apply 'when you encounter' effects/card powers not specific to one of the steps below.
Evade the card (optional).
Apply any effects that happen before the encounter, if needed.
Attempt the check.
Attempt the next check, if needed.
Apply any effects that happen after the encounter, if needed.
Resolve the encounter.

I agree with Hawkmoon269 that 'encounter' is being used two different ways, which is really confusing when characters try to evade cards.

I think it was h4ppy that used the idea of "big encounter" and "small encounter" in that thread. And I'm not sure if he would say he still feels that way or not. While I sympathized with what he was trying to get at with those terms at that time, I wouldn't use those same terms, or the idea of two uses of "encounter".

I would however say that "Before the encounter" and "After the encounter" are effects that happen at specific moments in the "Encounter a Card Sequence". Which is why evading avoids those effects.

This (I think) spilled over from here.

My argument about BotG was that its power says "If you encounter this card, you automatically acquire it." It is acquired the moment it is encountered. You do not wait until the "Attempt the check" step of the sequence to acquire it, because it does not say "You automatically succeed at your attempt to acquire this card."

Some of this confusion, I think comes from this statement by Mike. But I would guess Mike was over simplifying to help someone understand a specific point about evading, or he would argue that a rule like the one on BotG does apply to evading because it basically means you can't evade it.

But I hate to speak for him, and I could very well be wrong about the whole thing.

An ex cathedra ruling on Lini trying to use animals to explore the Farmhouse: recharge or bury?


Mike unofficially ruled on BGG that it is a bury, but there are wording differences.

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